2022-07-13 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: John Towns, Dina Meek, Shawn Strande, Ron Payne, Lizanne DeStefano

  • Absent: 


  • Communications status @Dina Meek

    • Branding

      • Ron to setup a meeting on Monday to review the branding proposal with PIs.

    • Website Update

      • Newer sitemap needs to be reviewed and quickly reviewed

      • EC agreed that ACO-led (Dina) working group, with all tracks to agree on website issues

      • John to send Slack/Email to PIs addressing

        • Sitemap

        • Names of spaces/tracks on website

        • Portal & support separate or together (Track 2)

Action items (formally tracked in Jira)


Next Meeting: 20 July 2022