2022-05-18 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Dina Meek, John Towns, Shawn Strande, Tim Boerner, Ron Payne

  • Absent:  Cynthia Dillon, Lizanne DeStefano


  • Updates from meetings/discussions with Track PIs

    • NSF public town hall meeting; tentative date of Jun 14, 2022

    • All ACCESS in person Meeting: May 23-24, 2022 in Chicago

      • Need clarification on attendance scope: All hands invited

        • Room block (qty 30) sent out

        • Agenda Doc sent out to PIs

        • Currently 19 people identified as attending in person + 14 remote

          • (Shawn will attend remotely)

  • Governance updates:

    • Executive Committee:

      • PIs took decision that Interim EC would include PIs and co-PIs

      • John working to get first meeting scheduled

    • External Advisory Board

  • Communications status

  • Evaluation status

    • Provide access to ACCESS google drive to Lisa K.

    • Future meeting with Lizane and Lisa.

  • Community engagement update

    • Seeking names for candidates that could fill this role

    • Name interim for the role

  • Collaboration Portal:  What do we need to be getting completed?

Action items (formally tracked in Jira)


Next Meeting: 15 June 2022