2024-03-20 Meeting notes

2024-03-20 Meeting notes


Mar 20, 2024

 Participants - Roll Call

  • Christine Golus @Dina Meek @Tolbert, Nathan L, @lissie Matt Resteroff @John-Paul Navarro @Greg Dean

Important Links


Site map

PY2 Plan

SGX3 Workplan











Style Guide

Check on headers/footer

  • Does everyone have what they need from Github to ensure we all look the same, site to site?

Q to identify differences in our headers/footers and determine if what’s different is laid out in the Style Guide; if not, we will discuss in our next meeting, site by site.



The EC is considering changing the Charter template so we’re still holding



Glossary - ACCESS specific

Glossary 2.0 is where to put any new items you’d like in the next update in June




Andrew recommends descriptions for each link so people know what they are so people don’t have to click through to find out; All

Lissie recommends updating more often than quarterly

Everyone update the original Confluence doc to follow Supports lead in adding descriptions by March 22.

Dina/Christine/ Arun

Tagging/Tracking/GTM/Google Analytics

Thoughts on deferring this work until after the SGX3 work?

“Get Started” Tagging

  • How are people getting to the subpages?

  • We need to decide what metrics we’re really interested in tracking

  • Looked at tagging the dropdowns on the “about” page of “Getting Started”

  • You want to tag things that are actionable by the user

Perhaps while SGX3 is doing their work (should be done early May) we can discuss what to tag, but not do any tagging yet.


Need to identify goals in order to set metric to measure those goals

  • Program-wide goals might be a good place to start

Check out these resources:


Lovesdata (YouTube)

Parking Lot





Integrating CITAP



Allocations new site

Support will build for their secondary menu and we can follow that if we see a good reason for adding it to main nav


Please add to this list asynchronously and we will check it as we continue to meet

Propose we spend our next meeting reviewing how this impacts the home page’s “Get Started” work


Review Decision Tracker

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