2024-06-12 Meeting notes

2024-06-12 Meeting notes


Jun 12, 2024

 Participants - Roll Call

@Christine Golus @Dina Meek @Greg Dean @Dinuka De Silva @lissie @Matthew Restorff @Shawn Strande @Tolbert, Nathan L

Important Links

PY2 Plan

SGX3 Workplan











What’s everyone developing

First meeting of each month, report out on what your team is building

Group thinks we could do this quarterly and particular to what may impact across teams/users to avoid duplication. We could also inform off-quarter if something comes up.


Find Information about ACCESS | ACCESS Support

is Support able to configure excluded paths in the scanning it does to populate the information that is discoverable from?

They can; everyone should be sure to send Support both:
- URLs to exclude

  • Urls to be indexed


WCAG - standards for accessibility

Allocations and Support are implementing; how do we all implement so data is apples-to-apples

Individually each site needs to run these tests

ACO is following AA WCAG standards

Allocations is targeting AA WCAG standards

AA standards are the gov’t recommended target


Web Feedback

Recommend we:

  • Meet weekly to sprint on this

  • Goals:

    • Create landing pages with content and links per persona

    • Determine how to best reorganize the navigation

    • Determine how to not duplicate content 

      • Issues: 

        • multiple recommenders

        • Operations and Allocations both have resource pages with very different functionality

      • We need to always think of, as developers, “does this already exist?”

Website Breakout: Community Programs & Organizations Website Breakout: Resource Provider

Website Breakout: Graduate Student

Website Breakout: Class Instructor

Website Breakout: Computational Researcher

It might be best to set these pages up in our Confluence for each persona and everyone can add what they think needs to be on it asynchronously


Q: They could work on page layouts; their group needs time to read through the breakout groups' recommendations

Dina: should we make the pages organization look the same

Nathan: should we go through the site map and copy links to content into the persona pages (in confluence) that each persona cares about

Q: we need to determine the universal nav almost at the same time

Shawn: we need to develop a process and timeline and get the EC to buy in first

  • personas landing pages

    • develop mock-ups

  • top nav

  • low-hanging fruit on each site

  • Also need to develop milestones as part of the project timeline

  • Need to also include governance on how these will be managed/maintained

Next steps:

  • base persona page mock-up

  • top nav ideas

  • outline for plan

For next meeting:

  • Dina - set up a Confluence document for us to work in

  • all - go through breakout groups' feedback and put what items we think need to be on all pages in the document




Parking Lot

Tagging/Tracking/GTM/Google Analytics





Integrating CITAP



Allocations new site

Analytics page

Thoughts on deferring this work until after the SGX3 work?

“Get Started” Tagging

  • How are people getting to the subpages?

  • We need to decide what metrics we’re really interested in tracking

  • Looked at tagging the dropdowns on the “about” page of “Getting Started”

  • You want to tag things that are actionable by the user

Need to identify goals in order to set metric to measure those goals

  • Program-wide goals might be a good place to start

Support will build for their secondary menu and we can follow that if we see a good reason for adding it to main nav


Please add to this list asynchronously and we will check it as we continue to meet

Propose we spend our next meeting reviewing how this impacts the home page’s “Get Started” work

Team agrees we should wait until we consolidate all the web feedback and bring to the EC for direction before deciding how to move forward with tagging for analytics.

Per Dina: still like the idea of organizing our future work around program goals.

Perhaps while SGX3 is doing their work (should be done early May) we can discuss what to tag, but not do any tagging yet.

Review Decision Tracker

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