2024-07-31 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary
Present: Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Shannon Bradley, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, SDSC: Amitava Majumdar
Decisions made during the meeting:
Use Decision Macro
EC Meeting Debrief
Attended by Shawn’s backup: SDSC: Amitava Majumdar
ACCESS taglines
commented on in EC meeting: Dave - Welcome to Access - recommends using more of a tagline instead of spelling out what ACCESS stands for
Carry over from discussion two weeks ago - follow up needed? Dina is running a tagline process currently - using a competition to get input for suggestions - closes out at the end of August - will be presented to comms team next for review - make recommendations to the EC next - should have items to present in September
send a program wide email as a follow up
Supplement Request for in person meeting(s)
make sure Agenda planning group includes Lisa when getting closer to a more firm agenda
remember to take into consideration - what is the goal of the meeting? and the EC needs to make this determination
This is part of deliverable to NSF - benefit of in person meeting and how this experience is more beneficial than a virtual one
Sharing annual reviews
John created the distillation document and shared with the EC - (35 original pages)
Shared positives as well
Will work on an Appendix - items that were highlighted in the ACO report that were more directed to the EC
Need to discuss the distillation in the EC meeting
Items that have been highlighted for the EC - need to make a list and start discussing them in EC meetings
Panel response document
We need to capture Action items contained in this report
Quarterly Report
Just about ready to send - target tomorrow
Review Action Items
@Shawn Strande
Need a list of things Shawn is responsible for as an ACO member
Need to make a high level list for others in the ACO as well
We will need to reassign Shawn’s tasks
@John Towns
out for next two weeks - Shawn will run next week’s meetings - Shawn will also be out the second week
second week - cancel NSF and ACO meetings - John will come in for the EC meeting
@Cindy Wong
July 18 EAB meeting recording is available: 2024.07.18 EAB Meeting Recording.mp4
Recommendations from EAB members due to Chair by Friday, Aug 2
EAB Charter v2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tavS7IzeLXjge63FW4jIIqe7IMdDOU58m9l_hiYjrUs/edit
ACO review deadline is Monday, Aug. 5, should this be extended?
Current timeline in place - ACO: Friday, Aug 5; EC: Tuesday, Aug 13, and EAB: Friday, Aug 23; EC Final Vote: Tuesday, Aug 27
Availability for EAB meeting (Sept/Oct) coming soon
@Kimberly Mann Bruch
@Dina Meek
TAPIA - who’s going to go?
Quarterly Meeting - expectation for this team’s in-person attendance
Budgeted for people on ACO to go
@Lavanya Podila
Lavanya is going to TAPIA - Bronze tier - wiki page created: TAPIA 2024 Conference
will be contacting people to man booth
need talking points - Dina will get them to Lavanya
Parking Lot
Next Meeting: 7th August 2024
Meeting To Do Action Tracker:
Use Action Item Macro to track assigned To Do Items - check the box when it is complete