2024-10-30 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-10-30 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


Present: John Towns, Chuck Pavlovski, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Cindy Wong, Shannon Bradley, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Amitava Majumdar

Parking Lot:

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. EC Meeting Debrief

    1. 2024-10-29 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

  2. Review Action Items

ACO To Do Items - full list


  1. Review of Action Items from Quarterly Meetings - June 2024

    1. which of these to do items should be transferred into Tasks? Please just place a Yes by the items you want as task

    2. Action item for Shannon to create action items: John has made comments in each of the wiki pages below

    3. Action item for Shannon: Discussion about not having an inboarding since onboarding should suffice

      1. 2024-June Quarterly Meeting Notes and To Do Items - Infrastructure Portfolio Expansion Session

      2. 2024-June Quarterly Meeting Notes and To Do Items - Evaluation

      3. 2024-June Quarterly Meeting Notes and To Do Items - What's Everyone Developing?

      4. 2024-June Quarterly Meeting Notes and To Do Items - Embedding Data from XDMOD

      5. 2024-June Quarterly Meeting Notes and To Do Items - Vision for the Access Catalog

      6. 2024-June Quarterly Meeting Notes and To Do Items - Resource Selector

      7. 2024-June Quarterly Meeting Notes and To Do Items - ACCESS Awards

      8. 2024-June Quarterly Meeting Notes and To Do Items - On and Off Boarding Brainstorming Session

      9. 2024-June Quarterly Meeting Notes and To Do Items - InBoarding

  2. Updates

    1. @John Towns

      1. Woking on IPR

    2. @Chuck P

      1. Woking on to do items

    3. @majumdar

      1. Evaluation standing committee met recently

    4. @Lavanya Podila

      1. SC prep underway working with the vendor and also supporting Comms

      2. ACCESS quarterly meeting feedback survey results consolidated: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W4QP5T9B5PSiF6wctvg0WNMwlJ2qY82sUwWEQuaS6Q4/edit?tab=t.0

      3. Sent survey data to the agenda planning group and the EC

    5. @Dina Meek

      1. Newsletters coming out this and next week

        1. Lots of good submissions!

      2. Developing website user testing

        1. ACO and Support teaming to lead

      3. SC - lots of things being finalized

Next Meeting: 6th November 2024



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