2022-05-04 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: John Towns, Shawn Strande, Tim Boerner, Ron Payne, Cynthia Dillon, Dina Meek, Lizanne DeStefan

  • Absent:  None


  • Updates from meetings/discussions with Track PIs (John)

    • All ACCESS web meeting: May 13, 2022

      • Note went to all ACCESS PIs about meeting with notional draft agenda

      • Meeting invite has gone to ACCESS PIs and OpenCI Leads

        • Each team will need to make sure everyone on that team got the invite forwarded to them

    • All ACCESS in person Meeting: May 23-24, 2022 in Chicago

      • This will allow for plenary and breakout discussions to both align plans and build teams across the awards that need to work together on various things. 

      • Notification confirming dates sent to ACCESS PIs

    • Coordinating on PEPs

      • Status?  Who needs to review OpenCI at this point?

  • Staffing:  What is status of staffing budgeted vs staffing available

    • NCSA: 

      • John, Ron, Dina, Tim - Ron to document the ramp-up plan

      • PM support - Ron working PM identification and ramp-up plan

      • Communications staff - Ron to work w/Dina on ramp-up plan

    • SDSC

      • Shawn, Cynthia

      • Program Support Specialist (Cindy Wong)

      • External evaluator (Lisa Kaczmarczyk)

        • Related: When to engage?

    • GaTech

      • Lizanne

  • Collaboration Portal:  What do we need to be getting completed?

    • Sent note to ACCESS PIs offerting to provide the following from OpenCI:

      • Wiki:  $6,750/yr (250 licenses) 

      • Jira:  $9,750/yr (250 licenses)

      • GSuite with shared drive:  (15GB = free, 100GB = $20/yr, 200GB = $30/yr, 2 TB = $100/yr)

      • Slack instance:  $250/yr (250 licenses)

      • Track 1 and Track 3 have asked for all four

      • John/Ron to follow up on some implementation details.

    • Still need to know how we will do:

      • Change management process and support

        • Draft flow will be ready for review by EOB tomorrow (5-May)

      • Risk management process and support

        • Draft flow will be ready for review by EOB tomorrow (5-May)

      • IDEALS Community

        • Community setup steps are understood. Just need consensus from all tracks to use this as a persistent repository solution.

  • Establishing sub-awards:  status?

    • SDSC in process

      • Subaward submitted and over to UIUC SPA

    • GATech awaiting Lizanne coming out from being under water

      • Awaiting supporting docs to submit subaward. Likely next week.

    • OpenCI Budget Planning document

  • Deliverables due 31 July 2022:

  • Other topics:

Action items (formally tracked in Jira)


Next Meeting: 11 May 2022