2022-09-07 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Ron Payne, Lizanne DeStefano, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila

  • Absent: 


  • Debrief on EC meeting @John Towns

    • Cybersecurity Governance Council (CGC) charter discussed.

    • Launch status discussed. Startup phase is largely over but there are a few outliers.

    • EAB timeline is discuss identified topics on 13 Sept. and vote to approve at 20 Sept. meeting.

    • SC22 plan to be discussed at next EC meeting.

      • May want to ask for a co-located informational event, Dina to follow-up

    • NSF provided the initial outline from Tom Gulbransen for first report. This is being reviewed by PIs and will be discussed at the next EC meeting.

  • EAB Updates @Shawn Strande

    • Draft Charter

    • Briefly explained the timeline to EC.

    • Includes 4 week nomination period.

    • Target is to hold the initial EAB meeting in December.

    • Form created for nominations.

  • Communications Update@Dina Meek

    • Website

      • Uniform footer will be implemented soon

      • Creating a process/tool for tracking all changes to all ACCESS websites

    • Branding request to use the track specific logos for track specific communications and the general ACCESS logo for program-level communications. To be raised to the EC at the EC meeting.

    • Emails to the community (pre-newsletter communications)

      • Not a lot from tracks, so far.

      • Idea for next email: Allocations requests window opening soon (15 Sept)

      • Idea for next email: Support’s Knowledge Base

      • Add Communication topics to ACO informational section of next week’s EC.

    • Communicating important news to the ACCESS user community

    • Using Constant Contact coded links

    • SC22

      • Draft SC communications plan in the works

  • Community Engagement Update@Jay Alameda

    • First ACCESS Community Building and Engagement meeting scheduled for Sept 13, 2022, 10AM CDT

      • Initial goals - for each track -

        • For each track:

          • Identify communities

          • Share community building and engagement plans from each track + ACO

            • especially understanding desired outcomes from each track's efforts

        • Review possibility/likelihood of developing a charter for this virtual community building and engagement team, and seeking EC approval and input

        • Initiate development of ACCESS Community Building and Engagement plan

  • OpenCI PEP Update @John Towns

    • Awaiting Tom Gulbransen feedback

  • Evaluation Update @Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed)

    • Track Evaluators: Track 1: Dave Hart, Track 2: TBD, Track 3: Winona Snapp-Childs, Track 4: Tom Furlani

    • Meeting held with Lizanne, Shawn & Lisa (external evaluator). She would like to introduce herself to the EC. Lizanne and Shawn to meet with Lisa every other week.

Next Meeting: 14 September 2022