2024-11-06 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-11-06 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


Present: John Towns, Chuck Pavlovski, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Cindy Wong, Shannon Bradley, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Amitava Majumdar

Parking Lot:

Decisions made during the meeting:

Use Decision Macro


  1. EC Meeting Debrief

    1. 2024-11-05 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

    2. no updates

    3. Lisa reviewed her report

  2. Review Action Items

ACO To Do Items - full list


  1. Updates

    1. @John Towns - none

    2. @Chuck P -

      1. working on EAB recruiting for team

      2. last time we got 75 submissions

      3. selection - two step process

        1. voting by EC - they chose X names of full list

        2. ACO took that - rank ordered them and started to slot individuals into competency matrix to have coverage of all the skills

    3. @majumdar

      1. for Lisa’s report - it went to EC - did it go to NSF? no - but will be attached to our quarterly report as an appendix

      2. Infrastructure portfolio - still working to get a response from them

    4. @Lavanya Podila

      1. finance work will lead to a lot of staff plan changes

      2. NSF supplements will be a big project next

        1. Tell Sonya and Dawn - this will look like the last one we did - it should be easier

        2. Sharon wants supplement requests to come individually - who is spearheading? John will unless someone else wants to - Shannon can help too

      3. Locations for next year meetings - will be on Agenda next week

    5. @Shannon Bradley

      1. Decisions - Lessons Learned Tracker

      2. Reached out to Amit to get most recent version of KPIs Metrics so I can update our wiki pages

      3. Reviewing John’s notes on June 2024 Quarterly Meeting

    6. @Dina Meek

      1. Do you still want us to fill this “time off” sheet out: ACO Vacation Schedule?

        1. Per Shannon: it is easy to delete - this is another case of making a tool available to see if it would help

        2. Yes please - John wants to have a place where we can see vacations and make sure we have people identified for backup for longer periods of time off

      2. EAB campaign - we’ve done newsletters, web story, stand-alone email, Slack and socials on this; complete

      3. SC

        1. Most everything being shipped tomorrow to the conference center

        2. May demo the Resource Selector tool on a laptop in the booth (per Stephen Deems)

        3. Email to booth volunteers going out next week with instructions, talking points, etc.

        4. Invitation to media to visit booth, meet with experts going out tomorrow morning

    7. @Kimberly Bruch

Next Meeting: 13th November 2024


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ACO Vacation Schedule




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