2022-04-13 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: John Towns, Shawn Strande, Tim Boerner, Ron Payne, Cynthia Dillon, Lizanne DeStefano, Dina Meek

  • Absent:  None


  • Current NSF ACO Award Dates:

    • Announcement: 22 April 2022

    • Award Period: 1 May 2022 - 30 April 2027

  • NSF Program Officer: Thomas Gulbransen

  • Concern: ACO may be seen as pestering other ACCESS tracks, this may add risk to ACO’s ability to complete the initial deliverables.

  • ACCESS Awardees

    • Track 1 - Allocations: Shawn Brown (PSC)

    • Track 2 - User Services: Shelley Knuth (U of CO-Boulder)

    • Track 3 - Ops & Integration Services: Amy Schuele (NCSA)

    • Track 4 - Monitor & Measurement Services: Tom Furlani (Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center)

    • Track 5 - Technology Translation Services: postponed by NSF

  • PEARC22:

    • Thursday: Introduction plenary (John) shifting into a panel discussion with the ACCESS track PIs 

    • BoFs

      • Shelley and Tom F already planning this for their tracks

      • Should ACO host a BOF?

        • A BOF could be used to:

          • seek input from the community on what information they would like to receive

          • What the community would like to see done differently than it was done in XSEDE

  • Branding:

    • All awardees retain proposal monikers

      • ACCESS RAMPS (Track 1)

      • ACCESS MATRIX (Track 2)

      • ACCESS CONECT (Track 3)

      • ACCESS MMS (Track 4)

      • ACCESS OpenCI (ACO)

  • Web site:

    • ACO expected to create and maintain the ACCESS landing page

    • Nsfaccess.org domain is reserved

    • NSF expectation: NSF to have oversight of communications from ACO.

      • Per Tom, 24-48 our period to review communications

      • The individual tracks will likely have the same constraint listed in PTCs

      • We will need to get a better understanding from Tom G on this expectation.

      • Style guides and rubric is something we would want to have all tracks to use in external communications. This will need to be discussed with the EC.

  • Other Collaboration points?

    • Executive Committee

    • External Advisory Board - will suggest using an open call for nominations, and use a competency matrix to get a balanced set of perspectives

    • Communications - need to have a common branding theme for consistency.

      • Will ask Comms representation from each track to work with ACO (Dina, Cynthia) to reach agreement on theme for branding.

      • Expectation is that there is a designated Comms person from each track. However, this is not confirmed.

      • It would be good to have a FAQ page to help the community with transition. XSEDE has started this effort but we will need to shift it to ACO as ACCESS is ramping up.

      • ACCESS web presence target date is 1 August 2022 to allow overlap with XSEDE.

    • Outreach

      • We’ll need to identify if each track has a designated outreach contact, if not do they want to be involved in outreach. 

    • Collaboration Portal

      • What platform will we use? 

        • XSEDE uses the digital asset repository that is used at the University of Illinois (IDEALS)

        • Wiki solution should be common across tracks (XSEDE used Confluence from Atlassian)

  • Services that might support multiple awardees:

    • Other track PIs appear to be interested/supportive of a common ticketing system, wiki, and helpdesk.

  • Next meeting and meeting cadence.

    • Weekly meetings

    • Next meeting first week in May

Action items (formally tracked in Jira)


Next Meeting: 5 July 2022