2022-10-12 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Ron Payne, Lizanne DeStefano, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila




  • EAB Updates @Shawn Strande

    • Cindy received 2 submissions


  • Ticketing working group @Shawn Strande



  • Community Engagement Update@Jay Alameda

    • Lizanne DeStefano will join group meeting on October 25 to discuss measurement.

    • Group meeting 11 October 2022 (summary notes below, and at )

      • Continued unpacking each track’s community building and engagement and DEI plans

        • Operations - building and engaging community > RP coordinator Tom Maiden

        • Allocations: DEI is part of continuous improvement. Working to improve allocations meeting experience through training and survey allocations board on DEI perspectives, demographics, etc

        • Support: Wants to collaborate on building cross-ACCESS DEI plan. Community outreach and promotion at key conference opportunities, also looking at engaging NSF awards with intended connections to ACCESS (eg CC*, CyberTraining, …)

        • Measurement: Interested in building and implementing a broader, cross-ACCESS community building and engagement and DEI plan

      • Focused on community connectors

        • Support - CSSN & CyberTraining CI Professional (CIP) awards

          • CSSN: automated, community knowledgebase (asynchronous environment): community can post documentation and answer questions (this is the community, not support team members)

          • Match Plus and Match Premier: opportunities are now live, aiming to select 10 and run projects November through March/April/May timeframe. This couples with the community grants pilot, which provides incentives for the community (CSSN) to participate.

        • Measurement: CC* Regional Computing

          • Metrics is supposed to be tracking usage for these NSF investments

            • Gain larger picture of computing across NSF investments

            • Centralized reporting into XDMOD

            • Personal engagement with each awardee, offering a couple of different options for integration (awardee can run XDMOD (central XDMOD can access local XDMOD), or offer a format for the awardee to provide data for ingestion into XDMOD central DB. Two types of data: job information, and performance information

      • Cross-ACCESS community building and engagement planning

        • Broad agreement on need to incentivize community to work with ACCESS, ie, for CI projects to want to do their work within the context of ACCESS. Some ideas from the discussion:

          • Broadly accessible documentation site

          • Forum for promoting (CI project) events

          • other value-adds for smaller projects

          • One persistent incentive: doing good work in this context enhances opportunities for future projects to be supported (good track record)

          • More immediate incentives:

            • Community grants (support) - two tiers - 1000 and 2500 in support of conference travel. Lower tier granted based on single mode of contributing to the CSSN (eg, Ask.CI, answering slack questions, conducting tutorials), higher tier is contributing through two or more modalities

        • This seems to be a foundational theme for building community broadly - providing incentives for engaging with ACCESS - support incentives, allocations, doing better with your NSF, conducting your project tutorial within the larger stage of ACCESS

          • Operations - additional community building elements

            • internship program - would like to work with Allocations to help disseminate word about these opportunities, these are prime opportunities for improving the diversity of the community

            • Concierge integration experts for new RPs: help broaden range of RPs

            • Integration roadmaps: another foundational piece for new RPs

          • Emerging theme: CI projects can be amplified working within the context of ACCESS, and in particular, have deep opportunities with Support’s scalable infrastructure.


  • OpenCI PEP Update @John Towns

    • Nothing received from TomG as yet…


  • Evaluation Update @Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed)


  • Quarterly Progress Report @Ron Payne


Next Meeting: 19 October 2022