2024-05-15 Meeting notes

2024-05-15 Meeting notes


May 15, 2024

 Participants - Roll Call

@Christine Golus @Dina Meek @Greg Dean @Dinuka De Silva @Andrew Pasquale @Matthew Restorff @Shawn Strande

Important Links

PY2 Plan

SGX3 Workplan











Introducing guest(s)

Shawn Strande, our EC sponsor




Quarterly Meeting

Topics suggestions?



Style Guide

Check on headers/footer

Christine mentioned there were some files that needed to be updated in Github

  • Colors in dropdown menu

  • alignment

flush rt/lt of dropdown when screen is shrunk down

  • Team decided to table for now

Andrew to connect Shariwa with Lissie re: card designs (Support also experimenting with this)

Teams have until May 3 to update

  • Everyone is trying to have done by Friday

    • Dinuka, making ops changes, is on vacation until 5/2

    • Look at Github for direction (JPGs)





SGX3 Usability Study

Let’s walk through and have discussion

Per last meeting, the Community Survey, from which Dina shared web feedback, was deployed March 14, 2024.

EAB Recommendations (from their annual report:

“Website Usability Improvements are strongly recommended (explicitly mentioned by 3 out of 10 participating EAB members; keep in mind each EAB member is only making up to 3 recommendations).

We recommend a thoughtful reorganization of the website, according to the needs and perspectives of users/researchers and resource providers – the two main groups of people served by the website.

Currently, the navigation reflects the internal organization of the ACCESS service teams, and capabilities that are important to users are not necessarily found at places where they would expect to look. For example, the Software Discovery Tool is located under Operations (Home Page | Operationssoftware_discovery). Also, adding a dashboard of users, and publications, maybe the best research of the month could increase the website's engagement. The suggested ideas for champions and awardees were great.

Moreover, it might be helpful to do focus groups with RP representatives, support personnel from RP sites, and researchers for the user-facing and the support-specific parts of the website, making the emphasis on simplicity and putting researchers first.”


Christine - there is low-hanging fruit we can take care of quickly, but we need to have the larger conversation about more major updates.

Shawn - Multiple sources of feedback we’ve received, including NSF panel reviews. We should try to synthesize into common takeaways. Then prioritize the more structural changes once the EC has a chance to review our recommendations/synthesized information.

Andrew - overall felt the SGX3 feedback was helpful. Doesn’t think a single website makes sense - too complicated. Too big a lift.

Shawn - The navigation needs to be reconfigured according to what a user/RP wants to do. EC is likely to want to see this as well.

Andrew - manage our navigation/flows based on personas. Good starting point.

Dinuka - Navigation is more for us right now, rather than user-centric.

Shawn - After we receive all the input on web presence, Dina, Shawn, Cindy will organize to identify top 10 (or so) items needing to be addressed. Then we’ll vet through this group before bringing back to the EC. It will be iterative.

Christine - she’d prioritize
- style
- navigation
- home page improvements for each site
- content repetition

Might be helpful for us all to review our individual analytics and share so we can get a sense of where people are spending the most time, etc.

Andrew - we might need to set the funnels up by personas to track how individuals by persona are working their way through the sites. Something we need to work on together.

Shawn - it will likely fall to the ACO to help guide the personas to the content they need; the individual award sites are focused on the more technical things they need to be presenting.

Dina - agrees, but also points out experienced users may still need help finding information they’re not familiar with finding.

Shawn/Christine - should there be a landing page for each audience? Or tweaks to the individual existing landing pages that better direct folks and/or let them know they are in the right place. More likely the second option.



Parking Lot

Tagging/Tracking/GTM/Google Analytics





Integrating CITAP



Allocations new site

Analytics page

Thoughts on deferring this work until after the SGX3 work?

“Get Started” Tagging

  • How are people getting to the subpages?

  • We need to decide what metrics we’re really interested in tracking

  • Looked at tagging the dropdowns on the “about” page of “Getting Started”

  • You want to tag things that are actionable by the user

Need to identify goals in order to set metric to measure those goals

  • Program-wide goals might be a good place to start

Support will build for their secondary menu and we can follow that if we see a good reason for adding it to main nav


Please add to this list asynchronously and we will check it as we continue to meet

Propose we spend our next meeting reviewing how this impacts the home page’s “Get Started” work

Team agrees we should wait until we consolidate all the web feedback and bring to the EC for direction before deciding how to move forward with tagging for analytics.

Per Dina: still like the idea of organizing our future work around program goals.

Perhaps while SGX3 is doing their work (should be done early May) we can discuss what to tag, but not do any tagging yet.

Review Decision Tracker

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