2024-11-6 Meeting notes

2024-11-6 Meeting notes



Nov 6, 2024

 Participants - Roll Call

@Dina Meek @Greg Dean @Tolbert, Nathan L @Dinuka De Silva @Christine Golus @lissie @Emily Cedar @Holly Klinesmith (Shephard) @John-Paul Navarro

Important Links

PY2 Plan

Web Decision Tracker























Website Feedback
























User Testing




PY3 Plan






Quarterly updates










Misc - Lissie











  • From a Program Officer:

  • Landing Pages Link

  • Website recommendations from Support/Shelley:

    • Option to open a help ticket is provided in the “Find Info For You” Menu item 

    • On the Allocations page, the “Get Help” button should look like the other buttons and say “Open a Ticket” and not be a drop down menu.  It should go directly to the ticketing system.  It should also have the same colors 

    • Any “Open a Ticket” or “Get Help” inquiry should look the exact same everywhere on the website EXCEPT for the Resource Provider site.  That one should look different because it isn’t for users. 

    • Upon logging in to the ticket system, it kicked me back to the question where I started from (do I need help logging in to the website, etc.).  It should take me directly to the ticket system 

Please review this document (also on left index <<<) and provide any input via comments by Weds., November 20


  • Anything, other than User Testing, you think we need to build in?

    • Tagging content?

      • Measure effectiveness of the nav/landing pages

      • Analytics

    • Duplicated content









News page

  • could we create subnav to take the place of the boxes as we’ve got a lot of them













Dina thinks our news links on each landing page do this already; but we could make our Program Highlights book link more visible for people to ALSO be able to have that info handy.

Team discussed and might want to wait until the new Allocations Resource Catalog is launched

Christine suggested adding to quicklinks on each landing page (link to current projects)

Help Ticket:

  • Lissie said we could add to wt. space next to the ACCESS logo in header

  • Q to make Help Ticket button on home page yellow

  • Allocations will update the Get Help button (post login) on their site to say “Open a Help Ticket” and make yellow; also will change language in pink box on that page to “open a help ticket”




All please consider what task you might want users to attempt


All - for next meeting, be thinking about what we want to accomplish by April 30, 2025

  • Christine - tighten up some of our home pages so they feel more consistent

  • JP - Images in a github repo as a library (Matt Y may have set something up; can check)

    • Also logos, icons, cards, etc.

  • Lissie - look at the Quarterly Meeting notes there were ideas in there

Christine to update RPs

Christine to set up Glossary and Site Map update pages; also, everyone run your link checkers to id broken links


Christine and team/Dina to discuss

Parking Lot

Tagging/Tracking/GTM/Google Analytics





Integrating CITAP



Allocations new site

Analytics page

Thoughts on deferring this work until after the SGX3 work?

“Get Started” Tagging

  • How are people getting to the subpages?

  • We need to decide what metrics we’re really interested in tracking

  • Looked at tagging the dropdowns on the “about” page of “Getting Started”

  • You want to tag things that are actionable by the user

Need to identify goals in order to set metric to measure those goals

  • Program-wide goals might be a good place to start

Support will build for their secondary menu and we can follow that if we see a good reason for adding it to main nav


Please add to this list asynchronously and we will check it as we continue to meet

Propose we spend our next meeting reviewing how this impacts the home page’s “Get Started” work

Team agrees we should wait until we consolidate all the web feedback and bring to the EC for direction before deciding how to move forward with tagging for analytics.

Per Dina: still like the idea of organizing our future work around program goals.

Perhaps while SGX3 is doing their work (should be done early May) we can discuss what to tag, but not do any tagging yet.

Review Decision Tracker

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