2022-10-26 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary
Present: Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Ron Payne, Lizanne DeStefano, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila
Debrief on EC meeting @Shawn Strande
Communications Update@Dina Meek
EAB - Dina plans on an email to the full list this week
Finalizing the templates
Should be going out late this week, early next
Social Media
New platform for tracking - working well
All events are now set
— only 3 slots left to fill
-- Talking points done
— Communications under way
-- Print materials and swag with the printers
EAB Updates @Shawn Strande
28 applications currently
Cindy shared the document with the ACO via email
Discussion regarding competency matrix - what should be the categories?
Process on how the matrix should be presented to the EC
This will be added as a topic of discussion during next week’s ACO call on 2nd November.
Ticketing working group @Ron Payne
Ron met with the ticket working group, TWG working well and putting together a summary of their findings
Community Engagement Update@Jay Alameda
Lizanne DeStefano met with group yesterday to discuss evaluation and measurement.
Large need to develop focused evaluation plan for community building and engagement
Need to develop a plan and run it through IRB, probably handled at the service track level (need to figure out if we need to do this at the ACO level as well).
Formative evaluation: to determine if pilots are working out as expected, to provide feedback to change or stop pilot
Need to think about data to be collected, and metadata associated with the data: do we have a sufficiently rich enough set of data and metadata to be able to measure progress against goals?
Consider scoping evaluation to only include what you are able to influence (not a much broader scope that may be ideal, but largely out of your control).
Another way: what data do you need to effectively run your program?
Shared XSEDE user surveys with group to help establish a baseline.
Evaluation Update @Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed)
Additional discussion Items
Discussion regarding how do we raise awareness about the key activities going on in each of the tracks?
What are the things that need to be shared with the community?
Do we have a way to collect publications from PI's?
Come up with a set of data points or metrics that the tracks can report out at the EC meeting - not an assigned action item yet since the topic will be continued at the EC meeting on 1st November
Sean's suggestion - Info items on the EC agenda can be broken down into the following questions:
Key activities that the tracks are working on?
What things are going on worthy of communicating with the community?
What are challenges you are facing? (John’s suggestion)
This will be added as an agenda item at the EC meeting on 1st November- “Discussion on cross-award communications and communications with the community” @John Towns will lead the discussion
Next Meeting: 2 November 2022