2024-12-18 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-12-18 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


Present: John Towns, Chuck Pavlovski, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Cindy Wong, Shannon Bradley, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Amitava Majumdar

Parking Lot:

Decisions made during the meeting:

Use Decision Macro

  1. It would be worthwhile for Lisa to come to March In-Person ACCESS meeting - present back findings from September - and set up 1 or 2 focus groups to be decided in January - Amit will put Lisa’s travel in his supplement budget


  1. EC Meeting Debrief

    1. 2024-12-17 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

  2. Supplement

    1. Lisa - would it be valuable to attend? would need to be in a concrete way - decision: It would be worthwhile for Lisa to come to March In-Person ACCESS meeting - present back findings from September - and set up 1 or 2 focus groups to be decided in January - Amit will put Lisa’s travel in his supplement budget

      1. (Cindy sent a note to Sonia)

      2. would it be worthwhile to have a discussion with larger group about results last quarterly meeting?

      3. could share presentation

      4. Could we have another closed focus group eval of the EC - we did one last December - we talked about possibly doing one again - it is an option

        1. If all of EC will be there

      5. Possibly a session with all PIs? - alignment along thoughts of role of ACO

      6. Scope of contract is evaluator of ACO - and we don’t want to get outside of that really

      7. Quantitative Comparison of effectiveness of in person meeting vs zoom meeting - survey to get specific numbers - could go along with studies after Covid and how effective Zoom is

        1. Lisa is unsure of Quantitative evaluation because it could slides into the realm of numbers may not indicate effectiveness of relationships - not to mention it is outside scope of contract - doable but may not be productive

    2. Budget Justification - needs polished

    3. John review budget with Lavanya one last time

  3. Review Action Items

ACO To Do Items - full list

  1. Updates

    1. @John Towns

    2. @Chuck P

    3. @majumdar

      1. working on finance stuff with UCSD

    4. @Cindy Wong

      1. sent emails to John about EAB

    5. @Lavanya Podila

      1. got the reservation for Big10 - working on hotel reservations

    6. @Shannon Bradley

    7. @Dina Meek

      1. Newsletters will both go out the week of January 6, rather than their normal schedule due to holidays

    8. @Kimberly Bruch

Next Meeting: 8th January 2025



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