2022-08-24 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong

  • Absent: Ron Payne, Lizanne DeStefano, John Towns, Dina Meek


  • Debrief on EC meeting @John Towns

    • Charter was approved by EC

    • John sent PEP to Tom G. to review?

  • Community Engagement Update@Jay Alameda

    • Community engagement contacts from each track have been identified.

    • Next steps:

      • Share OpenCI community engagement notes based on proposal content

      • Assign homework to each contact to extract the essence of their community engagement plans from their proposals, and share with the group

      • Identify meeting time 

      • Start working on ACCESS-wide community engagement coordination plan, based on input from each track and the ACO.

  • OpenCI PEP Update @Ron Payne / @John Towns

    • Sect 5.4.1 - Update image to add data collection - Shawn

      • Shawn to update image

    • Sect 20 & 21 - Remove effort levels? - Dina/John


    • Sects 24, 25 - section review - Jay/Lizanne

      • Lizanne to review Jay’s content

  • XSEDE Website & Portal Redirect @Ron Payne

  • EAB Updates @Shawn Strande

    • Draft Charter

    • Shawn and Cindy to meet to discuss nomination layout referencing Ron’s shared XSEDE EAB nomination form

    • Shawn to bring draft EAB charter and nomination to EC by ~6 September 2022

    • Shawn suggests a call for nominations before SC22 (mid-November)

  • Communications Update@Dina Meek

    • Managing ACCESS Communication Spaces (Slack, Confluence, etc.)

  • Evaluation Update @Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed)



Next Meeting: 31 August 2022