OpenCI ACO Weekly Leadership Meetings

OpenCI ACO Weekly Leadership Meetings

Recent Meetings


ACO Task Tracking - JIRA

Risk Register

Decision Report from ACO Meetings






  1. It would be worthwhile for Lisa to come to March In-Person ACCESS meeting - present back findings from September - and set up 1 or 2 focus groups to be decided in January - Amit will put Lisa’s travel in his supplement budget


  1. Go ahead and reserve booth for SC24 and perform a Cost Analysis to see if it is the benefit we believe it is - with the possibility we would pull out if we decide it is not


  1. ACO Retreat - Aug 30, 2023 - Decided to use in meeting agenda Confluence Decision Macro
  2. ACO Retreat - Aug 30, 2023 - Decided to track attendance at meetings via Confluence Status Macro
  3. ACO Retreat - Aug 30, 2023 - Decided to use Confluence more effectively - implement Parking Lot via Confluence Status Macro

Recently Updated Dashboard

Engagement Tracker

All ACCESS Decisions






  1. Per EC - Reserve use of main ACCESS logo for ACCESS-wide communications; use individual service area/track logos for communications specific to your audiences about your topics
  1. We will move the original group meeting from Thursday to Wednesday at 3 (CT) and rename, reformat as “Web Presence Working Group” that will be more inclusive of others working on the web presence, beyond branding.
  1. navigation should always open in the same tab
  1. Add “Coordination” to left side main nav pointing to the Coordination office page (link tohttps://access-ci.org/about/ )
  1. For enhancements and bugs, we’ll use the ticketing system to collect, triage and status; each track will decide whether to bring it into Jira for their operations. We will set up a queue in the ticketing system.
  1. Track 4 is ok with “Metrics” as their navigation name; will confirm in EC 7/19
  1. Group approved @...'s proposed sitemap update which will be shared with EC 7/19
  1. Group agreed “Track” and track acronyms should not appear on access.org; may be introduced at the various track levels
  1. Group agreed on dropdown menus for universal navigation; will provide those suggested subnavs in the “input collection page


  1. Each service area/track representative will provide a lead to a story during this meeting the first week of each month - just a lead; Megan and Hannah can utilize for website and newsletters


  1. access.org was chosen by track PIs as domain, and access-ci.org will redirect to access.org.


  1. Decision: EC has decided to request the EAB review their charter and change the structure of their board to remove the RP representative from the EAB since the RP now has a voting representation in the EC


  1. As of this meeting we are Suspending all activities on ACCESS Wide Goal #4 until we know more about the impact of Executive Orders and are updated by NSF


  1. EC asks the DEI committee to suspend meeting until we have more guidance from NSF regarding the EO from the Trump Administration on DEI


  1. Try Consent Agenda style agendas for 6 months to see if it streamlines meetings


  1. It would be worthwhile for Lisa to come to March In-Person ACCESS meeting - present back findings from September - and set up 1 or 2 focus groups to be decided in January - Amit will put Lisa’s travel in his supplement budget


  1. ACCESS Ticketing System Standing Committee Charter - Approved


  1. We will move forward with planning 2 in person meetings per year and requesting supplements in the appropriate manner for each awardee


  1. EC approves a recommendation to attend Tapia in 2025 - will decide next year


  1. Any recommendations from the EAB about Ticketing System should go through the Web Standing Committee


  1. EAB charter - Approved
  2. EC Charter - Approved
  3. ACCESS Democratization Plan - Approved


  1. Decided on wording to use in the first half of the EC Charter
  2. RP Forum Chair will be a voting member of the EC
  3. RPs are invited to all Quarterly meetings - in person and virtual - there may be certain sections they cannot participate in, but overall it is a positive step to include them



  1. Approved Final document for User Profile: Recommendations of the User Profile 2024 Working Group


  1. Committee Charter Approvals - Communications Standing Committee Charter approved
  2. Committee Charter Approvals - Web Presence Standing Committee Charter approved
  3. Committee Charter Approvals - ACCESS User Profile 2024 Working Group Charter approved


  1. Future IPRs will contain lists of funded staff


  1. EC Approved Program Wide Goals via Email
  2. EC Approved reviewing and approving Charters off line via email


  1. EC approved moving forward with getting WG/SCs and other Teams to input items to the Program Milestone Check
  2. EC approved starting a Staff Recognition Award for ACCESS
  3. EC decides - Quarterly Meeting at PSC - Sept 25 and 26


  1. We will encourage EC PIs to go back to their teams and review the weekly EC meeting notes with them to help in distributing information to the rest of the project members



  1. Enabling Multi Factor Authentication for Atlassian Confluence and Jira - Approved
  2. Move back to weekly meetings for an hour - Lavanya will adjust the calendar



  1. Evaluation Plan approved by EC Vote - 12/19/2023


  1. Go ahead and reserve booth for SC24 and perform a Cost Analysis to see if it is the benefit we believe it is - with the possibility we would pull out if we decide it is not


  1. Adopted ACCESS DEI Working Group charter
  2. Adopted Program wide goals and metrics


  1. ACO Retreat - Aug 30, 2023 - Decided to use in meeting agenda Confluence Decision Macro
  2. ACO Retreat - Aug 30, 2023 - Decided to track attendance at meetings via Confluence Status Macro
  3. ACO Retreat - Aug 30, 2023 - Decided to use Confluence more effectively - implement Parking Lot via Confluence Status Macro



  1. For enhancements and bugs, we’ll use the ticketing system to collect, triage and status; each track will decide whether to bring it into Jira for their operations. We will set up a queue in the ticketing system.


  1. Each service area/track representative will provide a lead to a story during this meeting the first week of each month - just a lead; Megan and Hannah can utilize for website and newsletters


  1. Group decided NOT to add “Coordination” to the top nav - not that helpful to users and gets very crowded.


  1. Each service area/track representative will provide a lead to a story during this meeting the first week of each month - just a lead; Megan and Hannah can utilize for website and newsletters


  1. Each service area/track representative will provide a lead to a story during this meeting the first week of each month - just a lead; Megan and Hannah can utilize for website and newsletters


  1. Per EC - Reserve use of main ACCESS logo for ACCESS-wide communications; use individual service area/track logos for communications specific to your audiences about your topics
  2. We will move the original group meeting from Thursday to Wednesday at 3 (CT) and rename, reformat as “Web Presence Working Group” that will be more inclusive of others working on the web presence, beyond branding.


  1. We will go with “ACCESShpc” as our social media handle


  1. Per John Towns, we’re not to use NSF in our social handles as they are going through some brand work and have put a moratorium on such usage.


  1. Track 4 is ok with “Metrics” as their navigation name; will confirm in EC 7/19
  2. Group approved @...'s proposed sitemap update which will be shared with EC 7/19
  3. Group agreed “Track” and track acronyms should not appear on access.org; may be introduced at the various track levels
  4. Group agreed on dropdown menus for universal navigation; will provide those suggested subnavs in the “input collection page” linked above by 7/22

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