Ticketing Working Group

Ticketing Working Group

Group Name

Ticketing Working Group


  1. To determine the ticketing system that will be in place for ACCESS on September 1.

  2. To determine if a new ticketing system will need to be in place after September 1, and what that ticketing system will be. A date for this deliverable will be set.

Start Date


Completion date



Track 3


Winona Snapp-Childs, Shelley Knuth, Vikram Gazula, Andrew Pasquale


06/14/2022: Vikram Gazula, Andrew Pasquale, Shelley, and Winona met today.  We all decided to go with RT on September 1; and we’re going to plan to transition to another option with an ideal timeline of December 31 (likely ServiceDesk).  The plan here would be to have all tickets coming in through a web form, not an email.  We would not spend much time integrating this solution with the AMP, as it doesn’t make sense to spend the development time there, but we will have an option for people to submit tickets on Sept. 1.  Our primary concern that we see is getting inundated with tickets that we need to handle, particularly from people having trouble with allocations, but also with people just generally transitioning from XSEDE to ACCESS.  While the CU staff member has some time to handle this, this can’t be their full time job (and it might become a larger one than just one person).  Amy and I have discussed surfacing gaps to NSF for support; I think this might be an important one to surface for some temporary help.  This team will meet again in August to connect.



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