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Executive Council Program Milestones

Executive Council Meeting To Do Tasks



NSF Meeting To Do Tasks


ACCESS Decisions Made






  1. Committee Charter Approvals - Communications Standing Committee Charter approved
  2. Committee Charter Approvals - Web Presence Standing Committee Charter approved
  3. Committee Charter Approvals - ACCESS User Profile 2024 Working Group Charter approved


  1. Future IPRs will contain lists of funded staff


  1. Approved Final document for User Profile: Recommendations of the User Profile 2024 Working Group



  1. Decided on wording to use in the first half of the EC Charter
  2. RP Forum Chair will be a voting member of the EC
  3. RPs are invited to all Quarterly meetings - in person and virtual - there may be certain sections they cannot participate in, but overall it is a positive step to include them


  1. EAB charter - Approved
  2. EC Charter - Approved
  3. ACCESS Democratization Plan - Approved


  1. Any recommendations from the EAB about Ticketing System should go through the Web Standing Committee


  1. EC approves a recommendation to attend Tapia in 2025 - will decide next year


  1. We will move forward with planning 2 in person meetings per year and requesting supplements in the appropriate manner for each awardee


  1. ACCESS Ticketing System Standing Committee Charter - Approved


  1. It would be worthwhile for Lisa to come to March In-Person ACCESS meeting - present back findings from September - and set up 1 or 2 focus groups to be decided in January - Amit will put Lisa’s travel in his supplement budget


  1. Try Consent Agenda style agendas for 6 months to see if it streamlines meetings


  1. EC asks the DEI committee to suspend meeting until we have more guidance from NSF regarding the EO from the Trump Administration on DEI


  1. As of this meeting we are Suspending all activities on ACCESS Wide Goal #4 until we know more about the impact of Executive Orders and are updated by NSF


  1. Decision: EC has decided to request the EAB review their charter and change the structure of their board to remove the RP representative from the EAB since the RP now has a voting representation in the EC

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