2022-06-15 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Cynthia Dillon, Lizanne DeStefano, Dina Meek, John Towns, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Ron Payne

  • Absent:  Tim Boerner


  • Updates from EC meeting and discussions with Track PIs

    • EC Updates: 

    • Discussions with Track PIs

  • NSF Town Hall Debrief

  • EAB status

    • Will begin engaging to get nominations

  • Communications status

    • Tracks keeping their names or dropping them in lieu of functional area (Operations, User Services, Allocations, Measuring and Monitoring, Coordination Office)

    •  ACCESS Url strategy

    • Branding

      • Meeting setup for Friday to discuss web presence and scope for branding and webwork

  • Evaluation status

    • No resistance with Tracks

    • Tracks 1 & 3 are moving along at a good pace. Dave H is point for T1, Winona is point for T3, both have a good set of metrics

    • Track 4 doesn’t currently do a lot of evaluation of their own group but are interested in creating a plan to do more internal evaluation. Tom F is point

    • Track 2 may need assistance in creating an evaluation plan. Shelley is point.

  • Community engagement update

    • Status on identifying a new lead

  • Plan for OpenCI PEP completion:

    • PEP is updated to align with CA PTCs

OpenCI PEP Content Questions: WBS/Org Structure

  • Governance (Section 3)

    • EC

    • EAB

    • “involvement in the Cybersecurity Governance Council”?

  • High-Level Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) (Section 4)

    • Communication & Outreach

    • Community Building & Engagement

    • Collaboration Portal (Program Level)

      • Change Management

      • Action Items

      • Metrics

      • Program Reports

      • Program Documents and Resources

    • Project Performance Management

      • KPI

      • Evaluation

        • Internal

        • External

      • Risk Management

      • Schedule

  • Evaluation (Section 5.4) vs. Evaluation of Effectiveness (Section 8)

  • Technical sections (13-19)

    • Overlap with Section 4

  • Personnel / Communications section (20-26)

    • Overlap with Section 4

Action items (formally tracked in Jira)


Next Meeting: 29 June 2022