2024-03-04 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-03-04 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


John Towns, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen, Lavanya Podila, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Sharon Geva, Kim Mann Bruch, Shannon Bradley

Decisions made during the meeting:

  1. We will encourage EC PIs to go back to their teams and review the weekly EC meeting notes with them to help in distributing information to the rest of the project members

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  1. Updates from NSF (5 minutes)

    1. attended Quarterly Meeting

    2. still looking at dates in April for the annual review - shared slides need to be ready sooner rather than later

    3. blackout dates for us in April - we don’t have any

    4. They only have funding thru March 22 - but they are allowing them to set up panels

  2. What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 minutes)

    1. Informal co-advisory group of other leads - they are interested in meeting again

      1. they do have some suggestions

        1. facilitating in an EC meeting - and having to operate as a PI - will be asking the new Senior PM to facilitate

    2. EC had a suggestion - it might be helpful to have rotating chairs of the EC now (this was not recommended 2 years ago when it was started)

      1. Review EC charter - it has been 2 years - we should review this annually - probably have some additional things to review as well

  3. Debrief on Quarterly and EAB meetings

    1. Good meeting

    2. We struggle to get good topics - we won’t have hard issues on the agenda if they are not suggested

    3. We don’t have uniformity on how PIs are communicating with their teams - we should suggest teams review the EC meeting notes in their individual meetings to get better flow of information to the rest of the teams

    4. Could we have an interim planning team with members of all teams to coordinate planning meetings - so information is spread around, topics are gathered, and relieve some of the effort laid on the ACO

    5. Continue to plan ahead and hold the meetings when the least number of people are absent

      1. (we do have dates for the September meeting - week of Sept 23 - should be able to confirm location tomorrow)

    6. We need to continue to recommend intermingling of team members and capitalize on cross team interactions when we have in person meetings

      1. note that funding for these was not included in the original budget

  4. PEP revisions

    1. Shawn is working on the first draft of the changes - should finish by end of this week

    2. Goal is finalizing the review by the end of next week

  5. Annual review incl. project-wide, shared section

    1. IPR is in Sharon’s inbox - but she is waiting on changes from the PEP before she reviews the IPR

    2. John plans to have shared slide deck going this week

    3. The shared presentation will be upfront - not sure if after that the agenda will be similar to last year’s

      1. Sharon is hearing some people saying the shared slides might not be at the beginning

      2. John says for ours - we will need to have ours at the front

    4. John had suggested we could provide some kind of orientation for all the reviewers - perhaps in video in format ahead of time - to give the broader context as a basis for them to be more prepared for reviewing the project

      1. Sharon believes the opening portion she and Tom do should prepare the reviewers for being able to review ACCESS

    5. Because these are separate awards - sharing past reviews from all the teams probably would not help since they are all separate

    6. Last year - Tom created the agenda and we added a few things

      1. we had plenty of time in the agenda last year

      2. having the ability to respond to questions from day 1 is very helpful for us

    7. Metrics will be part of the shared slides

  6. Annual report

    1. Would like to have feedback on the last IPR and the changes to the structure we utilized

    2. Will be using a similar structure for the Annual Report

  7. Area updates (10+ minutes)

    1. ACO;

      1. Digital Alliance of Canada - last week decided to remove funding - John needs to determine if it would still be advantageous to suggest an alliance - may no longer be relevant

    2. Evaluation;

      1. Community Survey - still populating survey in Qualtrics - hopefully it will be before end of week

      2. Checking on who will receive it

    3. Communications;

    4. Project Office;

      1. CITAP - Sharon is PO for that as well - did not start on March 1 - has been pushed out - is still in process

      2. Shannon - collating To Do items from meeting last week so they will populate our Task Reports: 2024-February Quarterly Meeting - To Do Items

      3. Lavanya - sending out feedback survey

    5. EAB;

      1. Cindy will be asking for availability for next meeting

      2. Sending out post meeting survey

Kim - Expanse is being used to track the upcoming eclipse: PSI | Total Solar Eclipse | 2024

  1. Misc:

    1. Review To Do Tasks for NSF Meetings

Parking Lot


Next Meeting: 11th March 2024

Action Tracker:

@Shawn Strande - first draft of PEP changes - Mar 8, 2024
@sharon - need input on structure of IPR and if we can use a similar structure

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