2022-08-25 Meeting notes

2022-08-25 Meeting notes


Aug 25, 2022


  • @Dina Meek@Dillon Eischen, Cynthia (Unlicensed) @Andrew Helregel @Hannah Naughton @Alana.Romanella @Bob DeLeon @Megan Janeski @Cindy Wong


  • Confirm development of templates to produce materials for SC booth

  • Determine if we want to develop any special programming for the booth, catering, etc.

 Discussion topics







News Item Reviews

Dina Meek

  • We need each service area/track to identify either a PI or Co-PI to review news stories

    • We will try to match stories with appropriate reviewers (according to service area expertise) but could also step in as needed for other reviews

    • ACO -

    • Allocations - Stephen Deems

    • Support -

    • Operations -

    • Metrics - Robert Deleon

Comms Plan Update

Dina Meek

  • Has been reviewed by PIs and Tom Gulbranson (ACCESS NSF Program Director)

  • Dina to clean up and confer with Cynthia on any decisions needing to be made (or can bring back to the group as necessary

Newsletters Update

Hannah Remmert

  • Putting together strategy for internal/external including audiences, features, cadence

  • should have draft next week

  • Using lessons learned from XSEDE comms

    if you want to share thoughts on internal comms: https://forms.gle/ZTkKZjaHryhT8NHk8

Social Media Update

Andrew Helregel

  • Executing on start-up plan

  • Megan Janeski provided assets for accounts

  • Handles will be ACCESShpc

    • per Robert “HPC” doesn’t include cyberinfrastructure or cloud

    • we could use ACCESS_ci but underscores are often difficult to see, people read as spaces

    • if we have issues using “hpc” - which is still widely used in our field - we can change it

Website Update

Dina Meek

  • News/Science Stories in development with Cynthia and Megan Johnson



Attending: Dina, Andrew, Cynthia (maybe), Megan J (maybe), Cindy Wong, (track 4 will not attend),

SC Print Materials


  • Swag - should have stickers with ACCESS logo/tagline

    • Megan Janeski is working on

SC booth events


  • SDSC will have booth events; materials, videos (for ex.)

  • Megan Janeski - we’ve done coffee hours, catering for XSEDE in the past; food is always good for traffic

  • Hannah - breakfast for Champions - very good turnout - for XSEDE

 Action items

@Dina Meek Create charter for group
@Dina Meek Create Style Guide
@Megan Janeski re: SC materials - bring back to NCSA team to determine whether template or style guide w/assets such as logo makes the most sense; report at next meeting
@Alana.Romanella@Stephen Deems@Leslie Froeschl@Bob DeLeon please determine what resources your service area/track has for producing print materials; report at next meeting
@Dina Meek work with @Ron Payne on SC budget to determine catering, events, etc.



  1. We will go with “ACCESShpc” as our social media handle

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