2024-10-22 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary
RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart
MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Alana Romanella
CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl
MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White
RP: Jeremy Fischer
OpenCI: John Towns (v), Amit Majumdar , Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley
NSF: Purushotham (Puri) Bangalore, Sharon Geva
EAB: Chuck Pavlovski
Guest Speaker:
(v) indicates a voting member
Decisions made during the meeting:
Use Decision Macro - Tool (under Insert Elements in the tool bar)
- Any recommendations from the EAB about Ticketing System should go through the Web Standing Committee
Parking Lot
Approval of summaries from prior EC meeting @John Towns (5 mins)
2024-10-15 (Canceled) ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary - none
https://access-ci.atlassian.net/wiki/x/8oA3MQ - reviewed - no changes
EC Program Milestones @John Towns (5 mins)
EC Meeting To Dos:
Informational Items (10 mins)
RP Forum @Jeremy Fischer
met 10 days ago
follow up from Quarterly Meeting
Ticketing system discussed - will discuss more in Tom B Friday meeting
Democratization slides from Quarterly meeting will be shown at next meeting
Allocations Stephen Deems
“Corrections” function has gone live for ACCESS + NAIRR XRAS
ability to ask for clarifications on tickets
MATCH Shelley Knuth/Alana
Planning for AI Events related to ACCESS and NAIR
2 Showcases in the next couple weeks
Workshop in Spring
Workforce Development Workshops
Working on getting info and feedback on user experience - bring back suggestions
CONECT Tim Boerner/Leslie
Operations has adopted ACCESS System Status News Policy, Tools, and Best Practices: ACCESS System Status News Policy, Tools, and Best Practices | Operations . As of October 2024, ACCESS Operations applies these elements to infrastructure it operates. If you are interested in receiving system status news emails, join the ACCESS System Status News Affinity Group at https://support.access-ci.org/affinity-groups/access-system-status-news .
Invite the EC to review, suggest any revisions, and potentially encourage adoption by all ACCESS projects
@Shannon Bradley - placeholder needed for next week to discuss
MMS Tom Furlani
Will soon be working on a custom RP XDMoD report in collaboration with RP’s …. Aaron Weeden from Metrics taking the lead
EAB - @Chuck P
Review of yesterday’s meeting
Long discussion about a topic/question that was brought forward from Shelley - will be mentioned in next report
many EAB users are researchers as well and they were bringing forward their issues as well
there is an assumption that Support runs the ticketing system - but Operations actually handles the infrastructure
however they don’t handle the user experience of it
need clarification on who handles what
Report given by Dave Hart
Stephen Recommends: any recommendations go through our Web Standing Committee.
OpenCI John Towns
Working on Quarterly Report
RAC meeting - presentation on metrics and goals
got a lot of feedback on what should be a metric
inputs were captured and discussion is continuing in email discussions
NSF Updates
Focusing on Metrics - and will continue to focus on them
There will be a benefit of having them available and presented on a regular basis
Should get to the bottom of questions as they come up
Will be able to see trends
Misc Topics:
Would have liked to have representative from a Standing Committee today
Next EC Meeting: 29th October 2024
Risk Register: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/RR/board
Project Change Request: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/PCR/board