2022-09-14 Meeting notes


Sep 14, 2022


  • @Dina Meek@Julie Ma @Stephen Deems @Greg Dean @John-Paul Navarro @Laura Herriott @Lavanya Podila @Conner Saeli



 Discussion topics








Dina Meek

  • Branding/logo use (see below)


  • Login - making the experience the same for web visitors

    • Want to the button to look the same across sites as they’ll be going to the same place - experience should be the same

 Action items

@Dina Meek to add logo use language to Style Guide
@Dina Meek to look into login button design - do we need more descriptive language in the guide?
@Julie Ma will update the name of our meeting (per below) and point to this space for updates
@Ron Payne will invite new people to this document/space
@Dina Meek will update space info and members


  1. Per EC - Reserve use of main ACCESS logo for ACCESS-wide communications; use individual service area/track logos for communications specific to your audiences about your topics
  2. We will move the original group meeting from Thursday to Wednesday at 3 (CT) and rename, reformat as “Web Presence Working Group” that will be more inclusive of others working on the web presence, beyond branding.