ACCESS Communications Topics

ACCESS Communications Topics


  • Lead: Dina Meek & John Towns


  • PEARC’22 - Need to work out details of the Tuesday Lunch session and Thursday panel

    • Tue ACCESS PI Panel session 90 mins

    • Thurs ACCESS PI Panel session will be closing session for PEARC (2 hours)

  • SC’22 - ACCESS involvement at SC’22. Exhibit staffing? BoF (deadline is July 1)?

    • Booth transitioning from XSEDE to ACCESS and SC’22 booth space secured for ACCESS

    • which of the awardee institutions have a booth at SC and what can they do to promote ACCESS?

  • Communicating to research community

  • Website domain - Any updates on name, lease expenses, etc.

  • XSEDE website hosting - Who will host the XSEDE website once it’s sunsetted? Currently TACC hosts

  • ACCESS Website

    • Track 2 has many questions and would like to discuss what is on the umbrella site vs portal

    • ACO expects to build the main site with sub-sites that each will be maintained by the tracks

    • The platform for the website (e.g. WordPress, Drupal, etc.) needs to be discussed and defined

      • We will need to make sure APIs exist to allow interaction

    • An idea would be to have a potion of the website that resource providers control/use.

 Action items (Owner)

Platform for the website (e.g. WordPress, Drupal, etc.) needs to be discussed and defined
John to work with PIs to determine if we want request a session for SC’22 (John Towns)


  1. access.org was chosen by track PIs as domain, and access-ci.org will redirect to access.org.

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