2024-10-29 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary
RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart
MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Alana Romanella
CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl
MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White
RP: Jeremy Fischer
EAB: Chuck Pavlovski
OpenCI: John Towns (v), Amit Majumdar , Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley
NSF: Sharon Geva, Puri Bangalore
Guest Speaker:
(v) indicates a voting member
Decisions made during the meeting:
Use Decision Macro - Tool (under Insert Elements in the tool bar)
- EC approves a recommendation to attend Tapia in 2025 - will decide next year
Parking Lot
Approval of summaries from prior EC meeting @John Towns (5 mins)
Operations System Status News Policy Review - @Tim Boerner @Leslie Froeschl
Operations has adopted ACCESS System Status News Policy, Tools, and Best Practices: ACCESS System Status News Policy, Tools, and Best Practices | Operations . As of October 2024, ACCESS Operations applies these elements to infrastructure it operates. If you are interested in receiving system status news emails, join the ACCESS System Status News Affinity Group at ACCESS System Status News | ACCESS Support
Next step: Operations invites agreement that all ACCESS projects will use the methods outlined in the policy to publish outage information for any ACCESS infrastructure elements they operate so we can be sure all outage information is published/distributed to the affinity group.
This is “Opt In” service
Trying to share knowledge of outages - people have mentioned it is difficult to know when there are outages
For RPs - it is required - but process has not been taken to the RP forum yet to review
Will go to RPs next
EC Program Milestones @John Towns (5 mins)
Tapia Conference 2024 @John Towns @Stephen Deems @Lavanya Podila (15 mins)
Tapia debrief
Should we attend next year? and in what capacity - ACCESS booth, BOF’s, posters?
For the investment it is worth it
There are students eager to talk and discuss internships
Next year talk to RPs about what the have at their program sites early - so we have more to talk about to the students
make a catalog or have promotional materials next year
Willing to pay with XRAS again next year
Sharon - are there specific goals for attending conferences?
is there a more structured result that should be delivered?
There seemed to be more people looking for careers rather than resources - we need to focus on what our audience is - people who will use resources
Is this a good place to get users?
Students had no idea that ACCESS was available for them to use - very good discussion of how to get them involved in ACCESS
If the booth is primarily a place where students look for internships - we could provide a list of RPs who are looking for students
Centers have issues with SC - if you don’t show up, people think something is wrong and something is happening
Generation of training videos and ways to get feedback from other teams @Shelley Knuth (20 min)
Please see this doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Js3DyX34F2R5Q_aBesXJWq6ZLH43V05wWvziHJzZ2o0/edit?tab=t.0 - is in Track 2 google drive - they changed the permissions to go to the EC
Only EC can view
This is just for support videos
Answers question: How do we decide which videos to do and who owns creation of the video?
Recommends guidelines for making the video
Comment: no script will be made with out all people approving, should compare notes with Dina to make sure not missing anything - work with comms to make sure teams are synching up
Videos are hosted on website - linked from YouTube Channel (ACO manages YouTube channel which is used for all project videos) - ACCESSforCI
Is the cost tracked for how much it costs to make these? No - it would be nice to find out what ROI is - we should see how we can make a splash and get more views
Should add these things to plan ahead of time: length of video, target audience, etc.
Will be running with this process to start updating outdated videos - will update as needed
Communications points of contact at RP and CiDER? @Jeremy Fischer (5 min)
From Jeremy: There's been some questions from Dina and Kim about contacts at the RPs for comms and highlights and such. I know there was/is a place in CIDeR for it - I wanted to discuss if the plan is still to put all of the contacts for RPs into CIDeR and if there's a process/plan to talk about for it.
There once was a spreadsheet - it is probably out of date
There were plans of putting it in CiDER - and there is a place for it to go
Should do a coordinated update of the sheet
@Leslie Froeschl will reach out and get discussion started
Comms probably is not familiar with CiDER and may need training
EC Meeting To Dos:
Review of Action Items from Quarterly Meetings -
Feb 2024 Quarterly Meeting - Background notes on To Do Items: 2024-February Quarterly Meeting - To Do Items
Informational Items (10 mins)
RP Forum @Jeremy Fischer
Allocations Stephen Deems
our first On-Ramp is live!: https://rmacc.org/accesson-ramps
MATCH Shelley Knuth/Alana
CONECT Tim Boerner/Leslie
MMS Tom Furlani
EAB Chuck Pavloski
report from EAB is in process from quarterly meeting
nominations for EAB replacements is started
OpenCI John Towns
any follow up from RAC - metrics and goals follow up discussion? John handling separately
The discussion regarding the Panel Review Summary was to have been moved from 10/1 to 10/8 – but I don’t see a discussion regarding this in any of the notes since then - still needs added back
Let Sharon and Puri know if they should not attend
EC Charter charter – @Podila, Lavanya was to go through and accept all the changes and then make a new document that contains the newest verbiage. I don’t see an email or a reference regarding the updated doc in meeting notes. - done
@Towns, John W – you were going to draft an email to the EC regarding the differences between the responsibilities of a meeting chair and a meeting facilitator – has this been created? - done
@Chuck P – how can I help you find a representative from a Standing Committee to come to next week’s EC meeting?
NSF Sharon and Puri
Misc Topics:
Next EC Meeting: 5th November 2024
Risk Register: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/RR/board
Project Change Request: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/PCR/board