2024-03-05 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-03-05 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart

  • MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Alana Romanella

  • CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl

  • MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White

  • OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley

  • NSF: Tom Gulbransen, Sharon Geva

  • Guest Speaker: NA

(v) indicates a voting member

Decisions made during the meeting:

  1. EC approved moving forward with getting WG/SCs and other Teams to input items to the Program Milestone Check
  2. EC approved starting a Staff Recognition Award for ACCESS
  3. EC decides - Quarterly Meeting at PSC - Sept 25 and 26

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  1. Approval of summaries from prior EC meeting @John Towns (5 min)

    1. 20th February 2024 EC Meeting

    2. None

  2. Program Milestone Check @John Towns (5 mins)

    1. ACO on target - nothing to report

    2. Shawn - community building working group - recommend we close that task and once we have something new to take its place we can replace it - approved

    3. Shawn - there are a lot of things that don’t wind up in the EC to be covered in notes - we should decide how to determine what goes on this list so things get reported up to this meeting

      1. We only ask each of the awardees to make milestones for this group

      2. None of the WGs or SCs contribute to this list of milestones - should we start asking?

      3. The working groups - are cross track by definition - we should have them place key milestones on here

      4. We have an EC member on each WG or SC - we need to consider if they should bring up milestones?

      5. What about other cross team work that is not part of WG/SC - how does this get reported up?

        1. each SC/WG are responsible for getting info on Milestones

        2. other teams need to get items on this as well

      6. Approved by the EC to proceed

  3. Staff Recognition @John Towns (10 mins)

    1. should we have a process for recognizing staff members

    2. would need a group to create one

    3. recognize people at quarterly meetings

    4. EC approved - assign to Comms SC - John will approach Dina

      1. Profiling good work by many people in newsletter

  4. EC Vote on Next Quarterly Meeting Location @John Towns (10 mins)

    1. Tom Furlani - hotels unavailable for the week of 23rd Sept

      1. week before is open - Sept 17-19

    2. Stephen Deems update on Pittsburgh

      1. No major events/conflicts in Oakland neighborhood for this time frame.

      2. Stephen currently has a “hold” on meeting space for two sets of dates:

        1. September 17-19 - there is a conference on the 16th, and Tim is out and can only participate remotely

        2. September 24-26 -

    3. Leslie - her team was interested in having a team meeting on the day before the meeting

    4. EC decides - Quarterly Meeting at PSC - Sept 25 and 26

  5. Follow up from EAB meeting last week

    1. 27th Feb 2024 ACCESS EAB Meeting Agenda & Summary

    2. 2024.02.27 EAB Meeting (Rosemont, IL) - Google Drive

    3. Wants to continue one-on-ones with the various teams - will discuss next week

    4. EAB will write their own report - we do not have it yet

    5. We will track action items and put them in EAB task tracking

    6. CASC meeting will be going on - will cancel EC meeting next week

  6. Follow up on Quarterly meeting last week

    1. Who will take lead on follow up items from last week?

    2. What actions or follow ups are needed from last week?

    3. 2024-February Quarterly Meeting - To Do Items - needs reviewed by leads from the sessions and updates for who will be leading

    4. How much tracking do we want to do at the EC level?

      1. do a quick check at the meetings to follow up? let the session chairs take lead on action items and bring forward to EC anything that needs to be

    5. EC members had a good meeting with other EC members - how can we engage more with non-EC members? Have more people than EC members giving presentations/sessions.

      1. Organizational social experiment? Have EC meet separately and have large group meeting without them

        1. this suggestion also came up from the co-advisory group

Not able to cover

  1. Plans for shared content at NSF reviews

    1. Who is taking the lead on preparing the shared content?

    2. What is timeline for preparing for the Annual Review?

  2. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. Allocations Stephen Deems

    2. MATCH Shelley Knuth

    3. CONECT Tim Boerner

    4. MMS Tom Furlani

    5. OpenCI John Towns

Misc Topics:

Parking Lot

Ticket Analysis - MATCH

Prioritized Comms List - @Dina Meek

Next EC Meeting: 12th March 2024

Action Tracker:

@Shawn Strande - will lead getting WG/SC and other team milestones on the Milestone list
@Lavanya Podila - cancel EC meeting next week Mar 8, 2024

Use Action Item Macro to track assigned To Do Items - check the box when it is complete



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