2022-8-18 Meeting notes

2022-8-18 Meeting notes


Aug 18, 2022


  • @Dina Meek

  • @Stephen Deems @Tolbert, Nathan L @Andrew Pasquale @Matt Yoder @Winona Snapp-Childs @John-Paul Navarro @Greg Dean @Ron Payne


  • Finalize “boxed” questions for main site

  • Begin discussions around roadmapping next phases of our websites

 Discussion topics












  • Roadmaps to include addressing known issues as well as improvements

    • How do we collect the information

    • How do we process it

  • We can set up a Jira project or use one that’s been set up

    • looking for a common place to collect and share info

    • Will each track track their tasks?

    • Thought that we could try to time releases to coordinate

    • Track 4 is ok with this but will also track on their own

    • Track 3 feels that having this public is good; how do we share tasks?

    • Track 1 thinks it might be best used for things that need to be implemented across sites

      • We don’t want multiple instances of the same issue

      • Do any tracks NOT plan to track in Jira

        • Track 4

    • Ron thinks if most tracks implement a Jira project, it might be best that we all manage individually, and loop any other non-Jira- managed tracks in

    • Track 3 has two tools - ticket system and Jira. If we use each tool appropriately we won’t have problems.

      • items can come in and be shared w/in the ticket system

      • for improvements too we go through ticket system; maybe we have a web presence queue to manage

        • this takes care of triage and reporting (bus schedule)

        • ACCESS-Website - queue name

          • ACO will be notified and will triage

          • Should be able to assign within the queue to the appropriate owner (track/service area)

      • For something universal it goes to ACO to coordinate (like adding MyACCESS to universal nav)


Boxed Questions

Dina Meek

  • How can my resource become a part of ACCESS?

    • Learn about Operations - where does this go?

      • for now, landing page

  • Where can I view performance information about my jobs? - I could only include one question and this seemed like the better of the two.

    • OK for now

View Metrics


web testing

Stephen Deems

Can we open our sites to test among ourselves as early as 8/25?



brand assets

Stephen Deems

Style guide, fonts, colors, etc. were not included

 Action items

@Winona Snapp-Childs will set up the queue in the ticketing system to handle website updates. Will notify: dinameek@illinois.edu; rpayne@illinois.edu
@Dina Meek to find out when the ACO main site would be ready to test and we can shoot for that date. Also where the style guide info is.


  1. For enhancements and bugs, we’ll use the ticketing system to collect, triage and status; each track will decide whether to bring it into Jira for their operations. We will set up a queue in the ticketing system.

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