2022-10-12 Meeting notes

2022-10-12 Meeting notes


Oct 12, 2022


  • @Dina Meek


Old Business

@Dina Meek to add logo use language to Style Guide
All - From Support: at the bottom of the webpages where it lists the schools associated with ACCESS, can you change “University of Colorado, Boulder” to “University of Colorado Boulder”?  They get real antsy here about that comma or a hyphen.
@Tolbert, Nathan L - update?: SSO - Identity Management was OK with our wanting to do that. Waiting for IAM to make one change to CiLogon and Joe would give us a reference implementation to refer to. Possibly post on github. - 10/12/22 Still waiting for IAM, but they may be addressing soon.
All - update your About sections so that each of us can develop the dropdown under Universal Nav “About” to point to your section

 Discussion topics









  • Should we all have the same Login representation as is on Allocation’s/Support's page in top nav?

    • We discussed that we’re hopeful that the SSO will soon be in a place where users can login across sites and have the same experience - not quite there yet

  • What should be the goals for online services sites? Should they look alike, look like the public facing sites

    • Greg: Focus should be on the public facing/top level sites

    • JP: If our high-level nav and footers were simpler it would be easier to replicate on the online services sites

      • If we could get that established we could all use it (share in Github, etc.)

  • Shouldn’t someone from Identity be a part of this group?

    • JP from Track 3 - and some others that take part in an IAM working group - can represent this

    • Derek is also part of that group

  • Does Identity also incorporate Registry?

Meeting slot


If not using take our team off the slot doc on the Confluence page

About Sections


Done - ACO, Allocations, Operations, Metrics; Support, almost

 Action items


  1. Group decided NOT to add “Coordination” to the top nav - not that helpful to users and gets very crowded.

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