2022-11-02 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Ron Payne, Lizanne DeStefano, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila



  • ACO’s Involvement in ACCESS Program-wide Concerns @John Towns

    • How should the ACO look-out for, discuss, and get involved in Program-wide concerns?


  • EAB: Competency Matrix @Shawn Strande and @Cindy Wong

    • Categories within the competency matrix

    • Process on how the matrix should be presented to the EC

    • Cindy to assign submissions to members on the ACO call as we approach the close date


  • Evaluation Update @Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed)

    • NA


  • Communications Update@Dina Meek



  • Community Engagement Update@Jay Alameda

    • Next meeting of Community Building and Engagement is next Tuesday

      • Goal: develop evaluation/measurement plans in light of Lizanne’s input from previous meeting

      • Interesting point: thinking about what we need to know to be able to effectively run our program, eg, given a particular project component, is this having the desired effect. Especially for pilots, this can be valuable to adapt/change course or discontinue as needed.

      • Interested in outcomes of last Evaluation meeting, and also think that a joint Evaluation/Community Engagement meeting would be valuable.

      • Concern: high dimensionality of community + project components/pilots presents a large potential evaluation task:

        • How much should we cover?

        • How much can we cover?


Misc items


Next Meeting: 9 November 2022