2023-09-13 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary

2023-09-13 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


Present: Jay Alameda, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Shannon Bradley, Lisa Kaczmarczyk



















Jay Alameda


















Shawn Strande


















Cindy Wong


















John Towns


















Dina Meek


















Kimberly Mann Bruch


















Lisa Kaczmarczyk


















Lavanya Podilla


















Shannon Bradley


















Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. Debrief on EC Meeting @John Towns (5 min)

    1. 2023-09-12 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

  2. Preparation for the Quarterly Meeting @John Towns (5 min)

    1. Sept 2023 (Virtual) ACCESS Quarterly Meeting

    2. EAB will be meeting for 2 hrs during this meeting

      1. will send them a draft of the program goals and metrics ahead of time

      2. what to do at the Dec EAB meeting

      3. gathering any feedback from WGs that need items before the EAB

      4. Based on information we have - this can be reduced to 60 mins

    3. John will do session on Program Goals

    4. Cindy sent EAB a calendar invite with Sept 18 Zoom coordinates - need to discuss logistics for break out rooms

  3. Discussion of preparations for Mid-Year Review @John Towns (10 min)

    1. Date set for Nov 9

    2. Request for agenda sent to NSF

    3. Need to determine what we will be presenting and begin preparing those materials and reviewing them

    4. Will need to do reviews and dry run for final prep before the review

    5. Make sure we can demonstrate action on items they pointed out as Opportunities

  4. Review Action Items @John Towns (5 min)

    1. Shannon will be converting the google sheet list to Actions in Confluence

    2. Please make sure to get updates in sheet so Shannon can pull over current informtion

    3. Make sure to call out blockers

  5. Updates (5 min)

    1. @John Towns

      1. working with CGC (Cybersecurity Guidance Council) - on Policy Minder doc; expect to go to EC in next several weeks.

      2. CGC asked for a compliance officer to make sure we are keeping compliant

    2. @Shawn Strande @Cindy Wong

    3. @Dina Meek and @Kimberly Mann Bruch

    4. @Jay Alameda

      1. Working on draft charter (based on evaluation) for the standing committee + working through edits in plan - will circulate with our group + the CB&E group this week.

    5. @Lavanya Podila and @Shannon Bradley

  6. Communications Plan @Dina Meek

    1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cgA1RAHgPO9lF4NWz5OK3zTLyE0X52C5JNNablzkGoY/edit

    2. Walk thru document in meeting

    3. Looking at timeframe - CITAP won’t probably get an award out till later in the fall or Q1 2024 is more likely

    4. Audiences - remember PI meetings, CSSI, CCStars, et. - PIs of other NSF awards that do or could interact with ACCESS

      1. we need to know our message to those groups -

    5. Will update sections with the info in the new PEP

    6. Updated Kim’s addition to the team


      1. web site - ready for more improvement

      2. Teams feeding comms news - intermittent - difficult to get everyone to feed news

        1. lack of attention and time available to work on comms items - difficult for all teams

      3. thinking strategic regarding what to be involved in

      4. From Kim: what about an “ACCESS Resource Spotlight” and we have a story focused on these (https://allocations.access-ci.org/resources) in each newsletter? and/or, make sure we are covering stories about all of these appropriately on the website instead of it mostly be expanse and bridges2 stories just because ken and i are avid science writers….

    8. How can this team help?

      1. Lavanya helps with back office

      2. meeting with Jay

      3. May lean more on Shawn if he has time - has a good grip on comms

      4. Feedback is most helpful

      5. Brainstorming ideas

      6. SGCX - has a free service to review web usability - https://sciencegateways.org/our-services/consulting-services

      7. What is the process for evaluating requests to the comms group

        1. they want to be agile enough to work on everything brought to them

        2. they do meet as an internal group to determine priorities and close loop with stakeholders

        3. Comms process - need visibility into status of items in the pipeline

      8. From Kim: Stephen is going to send us a 2023 journal pubs list that is sorted by resource providers so that we can determine what would be good stories to feature about some of the “smaller” RPs that we haven’t yet covered

    9. Chartering Web and Branding and Communication - status

      1. Shawn just sent out a notification to everyone with the templates

      2. Have not started using them yet - but is on to do list

      3. reporting up through the WGs would help with visibility/awareness of what is going on

      4. How can they make their tracking system visible to the EC/ACO - maybe a month view?

        1. take a screenshot of the system?

        2. Lavanya will help Dina see how to get a printout from the system

Parking Lot

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Next Meeting: 20th September 2023

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