2023-08-02 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary

2023-08-02 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley


  1. Debrief on EC Meeting @John Towns

    1. Target in person meeting - Dec 5,6,7 with an EAB meeting at beginning or end - send any conflicts to Lavanya and Shannon

    2. Sept 18-19 - virtual meeting

      1. moving on DEI - Stephen Deems will put a program wide discussion together and lead the DEI effort

      2. program wide goals - input by Aug 14

      3. needs to support evaluations - need to fill role

        1. Shawn get the contacts together - @Shawn Strande

          1. need to do next week

          2. looking for the eval matrix

  2. Review Action Items @John Towns

    1. need to review and close those that are complete

      1. reviewed during meeting

      2. @John Towns @Shannon Bradley need sub award amendment to pull Funds for travel to Shawn

      3. @John Towns - pull some info out to wiki re: PMP

      4. @Shawn Strande - Program Wide Mtg Actions and Decisions Recording (Boulder meeting) - will update the docs with the rest of the notes he has

      5. @Shannon Bradley - follow up on getting Program Wide Mtg Actions and Decisions Recording (PEARC meeting) recorded

    2. update date due days

    3. what is missing from this list?

  3. Addressing NSF review feedback @Shawn Strande

    1. need to track response with respect to what we are actually doing

      1. need to make sure we regularly report progress

      2. make sure we are addressing all the items recommended - use as roadmap

        1. @Shannon Bradley - pull out action items from doc to create summary

          1. NSF Panel Review - Project Year 1 (April 18-19, 2023)

      3. metrics updates

  4. Discussion regarding Lizanne’s replacement? @John Towns

    1. Input from Service Teams is needed - Shawn is setting up meeting and this can be covered in this meeting

      1. evaluation working group - should it be a standing committee?

      2. Shawn will ask when they meet

  5. Discussion on ACO Retreat @John Towns

    1. Late August? Week of August 28th?

      1. Virtual, 6-8 hours

      2. strategize for PY2 and also complete open items

      3. John and Shannon to get invitations out/agenda organized

      4. Targeting Wednesday, Aug 30, 9am-3pm CT / 7am-1pm PT

  6. Updates

    1. EAB Updates @Shawn Strande

      1. Chair position

      2. Communications support

        1. How to coordinate with other community members to leverage each others' networks/channels

    2. Communications Update@Dina Meek

      1. Newsletters survey - information we’d like to capture

        1. Shawn to send Dina some ideas

      2. Monthly Newsletter ACO updates

        1. need input by EOW

        2. Dina, Shawn and Kim to discuss

      3. HPCWire Readers Choice awards - ACO’s role in nominations

        1. Start with stories identified for the highlights book

        2. Dina bring to the Comms Team for discussion (i.e. STEP program)

Misc Topics



  • Stephen created a sandbox Jira to propose how to manage DEI tasks: Jira Board


Reference - ACO Action Tracker

Next Meeting: 9th August 2023


To Do:

@Shawn Strande - have meeting with Evaluation WG next week
@John Towns @Shannon Bradley - work on sub-award to transfer travel funds to SDSC
@John Towns - pull info from PMP out to the wiki and then close PMP task
@Shawn Strande - (retired) Program Wide Mtg Actions and Decisions Recording (Boulder meeting) - will update the docs with the rest of the notes he has
@Shannon Bradley - follow up on getting Program Wide Mtg Actions and Decisions Recording (PEARC meeting) recorded - 2023-07-27 ACCESS Colocated Event @PEARC 23
@Shannon Bradley - pull out action items from NSF eval doc to create summary - see wiki link above
@Shannon Bradley - schedule meeting to review Confluence for improving organization - John, Lavanya, and Cindy



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