2023-09-12 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary

2023-09-12 ACCESS EC Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • RAMPS: Stephen Deems (v), Dave Hart

  • MATCH: Shelley Knuth (v), Alana Romanella

  • CONECT: Tim Boerner (v), Leslie Froeschl

  • MMS: Tom Furlani (v), Joe White

  • OpenCI: John Towns (v), Shawn Strande, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk, Shannon Bradley

  • NSF: Tom Gulbransen, Sharon Geva

  • Guest Speaker: NA

(v) indicates a voting member



















Stephen Deems


















David Hart


















Shelley Knuth


















Alana Romanella


















Tim Boerner


















Tom Furlani


















Joe White


















James Griffioen


















John Towns


















Shawn Strande


















Leslie Froeschl


















Lavanya Podilla


















Lisa Kaczmarczyk


















Shannon Bradley


















Tom Guilbransen


















Sharon Geva


















Decisions made during the meeting:

  1. Adopted ACCESS DEI Working Group charter
  2. Adopted Program wide goals and metrics

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  1. Ticketing Standing Committee Shawn Strande (5 mins) (James Griffioen)

    1. Shawn to provide an update on the ticketing standing committee charter

    2. WG guiding ticketing system development - they believe there should be a follow on group

      1. not sure if it should be a WG or a SC

      2. still determining

      3. a charter is getting formulated

      4. Check with evaluation team and Shawn for help as needed going thru process

      5. Tom F - thinks an SC would be best - we have an ongoing service to provide to the teams

  2. Approval of summaries from prior EC meetings John Towns (5 mins)

    1. 5 September 2023 EC Summary

  3. ACCESS DEI Working Group charter Stephen Deems

    1. Seeking approval for DEI charter - draft charter

      1. Edits have been incorporated.

      2. Ready for a vote - can we do this in Shelley’s absence? Yes Alana has her vote

      3. Vote - unanimous approval

  4. Program Milestone Check John Towns (15 mins)

    1. Action item for the awardees to update their program milestones

      1. no additional comments or updates

    2. Reminder: Do not edit "Dashboard" tab, please edit "ACCESS program milestones" tab as needed

  5. Program wide goals and metrics John Towns (10 mins)

    1. Seeking approval to accept the working set of program-wide goals stated in at the ACCESS Program Goals Development document

      1. Sharon does not have access - John will work on google drive access for her

    2. no additional comments for the past week

    3. Vote - unanimous approval

    4. We now will share these with the EAB in the meeting next week

    5. This will also be presented at the quarterly meeting - and moving to metrics

      1. next week hands on exercise on the metrics

      2. goal to get input across the project - what are valid and useful against these goals

  6. Agenda for Quarterly Meeting John Towns (10 mins)

    1. Review of draft September Quarterly Mtg Agenda

    2. Tom - says Joe has been working on numbers for the kinds of things NSF is looking for across the program

      1. 20 mins est - will see if we can work it into the agenda

      2. does tie into program goals and how they are measured

      3. Stephen says his topic could be moved to another meeting - Tuesday Afternoon

        1. “What’s currently under development”

        2. Joe says he can’t do 3 pm - but 1 is fine - he can present in that time slot

        3. Could be better for March

  7. EAB Agenda for Quarterly Meeting Shawn Strande (5 minutes)

    1. Proposed topics: Program-wide goals; Evaluation plan draft - 11:00 am

      1. Program wide goals - opportunity to get external feedback and discussion

      2. How we are thinking about evaluation - look at evaluation plan and get feedback

      3. Share PEARC meeting notes

      4. We do have 30 mins after the meeting to review

    2. What other topics do you want on the agenda? What else do we want feedback on?

      1. getting input on Dec day long meeting

        1. Dec meeting - onboard chair and co chair to help

      2. DEI plan feedback

      3. What else other than SC24 - events we should be present at

  8. Informational Items (10 mins)

    1. Allocations Stephen Deems

      1. Met with representatives from SGX3 today (Maytal Dahan and Claire Stirn) and mentioned they want to reach out to Support and Operations team. They may be interested in software, so we mentioned JP. They could benefit from Support tools such as Affinity Groups and the news/events functions.

      2. The offer user experience consulting on gateways and portals - should we do that as an ACCESS wide/cross site improvement suggestions?

        1. should we send web and branding their direction?

        2. would be a good opportunity to get them involved in

        3. NSF is paying for it

        4. Dina in ACO is tracking web site focus group - should this be involved? - Shawn will connect Dina to Dave

      3. Monday March 11, 2023 - next meeting

      4. ARC meeting yesterday - still waiting on debrief

        1. reviewers should get review in week before so people can review before the meeting

        2. resource threshold - if people need large size proposals - they do need to come to the panel

    2. MATCH Shelley Knuth - (Alana R)

      1. Confirmation that support team will have full revamp of website by SC

      2. focusing on feedback forums that are being help at SC

      3. 3 are new users, 2 existing, 1 Pegasus specific, want cross track meetings

        1. will be able to focus things down after the forums

        2. They plan to do website review at this forum

      4. 1.5 to 2 hrs - 1 on Sunday or Monday - Pegasus specific - rest will be Mon Tues or Wednesday - can use small rooms

    3. CONECT Tim Boerner (Leslie F)

      1. We are meeting with Kevin Thompson later this week to better understand from him ways we might engage the CC* community prior to Tim/JP attending the CC* PI meeting at the end of September. First step towards better understanding ways ACCESS can support CC* needs as we move towards better integration of those awards into the ACCESS ecosystem.

      2. Dina & team linked AUP consistently at bottom of all ACCESS Web pages.

    4. MMS Tom Furlani

      1. Open XDMoD 10.5 released

      2. ACCESS XDMoD will be updated to 10.5.1 later this week - will be adding Group Bys for State and Country and ACCESS Credit Equivalents metrics

      3. CCSTAR metrics - looking to see if they could be basis for XDMoD

      4. Looking to put Frontier data in XDMoD

    5. OpenCI John Towns

      1. Coordinated response to CPO observations submitted on this past Friday.

      2. The CGC (Towns is liaison) is working on a “Policy Minder” document to convey what is needed from someone from each team with respect to ensuring we are all following ACCESS-wide policies. This will be coming to EC in the next few weeks.

Misc Topics:

No meeting next week due to team meeting

Parking Lot

  • item

  • item


Next EC Meeting: 26th September 2023

Action Tracker:

@Shawn Strande - Dina in ACO is tracking web site focus group - this should be connected to SGX3 and other web site reviews? - Shawn will connect Dina to Dave - Sep 15, 2023


Use Action Item Macro to track assigned To Do Items - check the box when it is complete


Reference: EC Backlog & Action Items

Risk Register: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/RR/board

Project Change Request: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/jira/core/projects/PCR/board

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