2023-02-08 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary

2023-02-08 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Ron Payne, Lizanne DeStefano, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila


  1. Debrief on EC meeting @John Towns

  2. Status/Progress on Quarterly Report

    1. Some pieces missing. John has added some comments that need to be addressed.

  3. EAB Updates @Shawn Strande

  4. Evaluation Update @Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed)

  5. Communications Update@Dina Meek

    1. Newsletters/Emails

      1. Discussing with Hannah switching from quarterly to bi-monthly/monthly cadence with The ACCESS Advance newsletter

    2. Website

      1. The working group is moving along with

        • Developing the more enhanced style guide

        • Creating a more visible, functional presence for Resource Providers

  6. Community Engagement Update@Jay Alameda

    1. Working to see if this three-pronged approach can turn into our collaborative community building and engagement plan:

      1. ACCESS awards will collaborate on community and community attribute identification

        • This includes identifying where community information is being held within the program

      2. ACCESS awards will collaborate on community building events, including identification of events, awards interested in participating directly in the events, and contributions from all awards to support engagement on the event (such as printed collateral about ACCESS, upcoming events to offer attendees at the event, etc).

      3. ACCESS awards will bring the “best of the program” to their awards as feasible (eg, if one award develops a DEI plan, all awards will look to this plan for things to adopt for their own award)

    2. Started by mentioning ms-cc (MS-CC Home ), Allocations already signed up and trying to figure out how ACCESS can fit in, ACO just signed up as well.

    3. Extensive discussion around i) and ii) yesterday

      1. Community information -

        1. CIDER - replacement for RDR, for resource provider information

        2. Allocations - has profile and allocation information, and presumably publications information. This flows into XDMOD

          1. Would like to look at some other things including field of science and time to science achievement (from allocation initiation).

        3. Support - currently doing static pulls from Allocations, would like to collect more information in portal

        4. Discussion around the possibility of doing some data aggregation in XDMOD, and accessing this data either through existing interfaces, or through a soon-to-be delivered analytics framework. This is not necessarily a small task though.

        5. Question from the group: Do we have a cross-track IRB? Support has submitted for CSEP, Allocations has submitted for the entire track. Desire to think more holistically about this, not sure of the complexities associated with the many institutions affiliated with ACCESS (eg, most information for support is with the MGHPC center, except for the knowledge base at UK). Very limited in what we can study at the moment.

      2. Community building events

        1. Note events identified by Allocations: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gGhybNVuPPIkwYV6W1wxcqh-xBXp-hkR/edit#gid=715012310

        2. PEARC22 BOF - what does community building mean here, most attendees are already part of our community.

          1. One direct incentive for building community - assisting attendees for the initial connection with ACCESS, helping them find what they need to get started.

          2. PEARC22 BOF would be good dry-run for SC22 BOF submission.

        3. Decision for ACO to start drafting BOF proposal - including goals, how to build community, how to reach out to other groups trying to build community (eg, software projects).

        4. Also would like to contribute to ACCESS Exhibition table -both collateral for the table, and would like to see an exhibition kit developed for those of us exhibiting at other opportunities such as Tapia, SACNAS, etc (this would include pop-up sign, tablecloth, branded collateral, ….).

  7. Project Office & Tools Update @Ron Payne

  Near-Term ACO Deliverables


Due Date


Establish an OpenCI Performance Management Plan



Establish collaborative plans for ACCESS Communication & Outreach


Dina Meek

Establish collaborative plans for ACCESS Community-Building efforts


Jay Alameda

Establish evaluation plan, coordinated timeline, and revised metrics


Lizanne Destefano

Submit the OpenCI Project Execution Plan to NSF


John Towns

PY1 Q2 Evaluation coordination, development, and dissemination


Lizanne Destefano

PY1 Q3 EC Meetings


John Towns

PY1 Q3 External Newsletters


Dina Meek

PY1 Q3 Interim Project Report


Lavanya Podila

PY1 Q3 Internal Newsletters


Dina Meek


Reference - ACO Action Tracker

Next Meeting: 15 February 2023


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