2023-04-05 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary

2023-04-05 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Ron Payne, Lizanne DeStefano, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila


  1. Debrief on EC meeting @John Towns  

    1. RAMPS update had following item:

      1. ACCESS awardees and/or RPs may be interested in some metrics included in RAMPS annual report:

        1. Diversity (institutional; race; gender); inclusion index; allocations success rate; FoS; credits awarded/exchanged/used; allocations by resource; publications, etc.

        2. If interested, please contact Dave.

      2. Question: Yes, interested: can we request this for the ACO rather than having each of us asking Dave?

  2. Prep for NSF Annual Review @John Towns

    1. ACO NSF Review Wiki Page

    2. ACO NSF Review Google Folder

    3. ACO NSF Review Slide Deck

    4. Dry-Run scheduled for Friday, 14 April, 2023 from 2-3 PM ET/ 1-3 PM CT/ 11 AM-1 PM PT

    5. From ACO-NSF meeting on March 27, Tom mentioned that “Review: driven by pep and KPIs” -

      1. What implications does this have for our review prep?

    6. What should be our base outline/content covered for each of our areas?

  3. Review Action Items @John Towns

  4. Updates

  • EAB Updates @Shawn Strande

  • Evaluation Update @Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed)

  • Communications Update@Dina Meek

    • Social Media

      • Discussion at EC about content posting processes/approvals?

  • Community Engagement Update@Jay Alameda

    • Code of Conduct review:

      • Underway, initial thought was to clean up long code of conduct and add it as a “for further reading” fine print addendum to the EC-approved code of conduct

      • Remember that the CB&E team includes a member from each service area plus the ACO, which makes the review a bit awkward.

      • Immediate issues with long code of conduct

        • Mentions steering committee without definition

        • Reporting mechanism inconsistent with EC-approved code of conduct (and provides a non-anonymous ticket submission as the preferred means to report).

        • It it is too long (and has some redundancy), but the overall tone: positive.

        • Original attribution: US-RSE plus 4-5 other organizations

      • Questions about the ombudsperson mentioned in the EC-approved code of conduct:

        • Should this be someone separate from ACCESS?

        • Should it be an ACCESS PI or Co-PI?

        • If it is OK to be populated with ACCESS personnel, should it have representation from all awards?

        • What training should we provide for the ombudspersons? DEI training? What should the source of this training be?

    • Community Building And Engagement Plan: Draft in progress (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ClRorlMAIUa30f_Fhr_XhP7Q96SH-gY3inbL2yspBog/edit#heading=h.21ylrh1soxje ).

    • MS-CC annual meeting: Lizanne is invited, John is on the external advisory board, should we doing more (sending more people, having an ACCESS presence). Time is running short for quality participation this meeting.

    • Impact page from RAMPS: Dave Hart is soliciting input, gathering input from ACO at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M2WsuKWP29Q6WM11QFxbBqlhDcMWrHWs60WKb3R2HtI/edit . The old page was tremendously valuable, we hopefully have an opportunity to make something even better.

    • Staff tool: Allocation Queries: Dave granted me access to https://xacct-admin.access-ci.org/allocations_queries, which is fantastic! I think I’m not the only one interested in this, can we consider staff access more broadly (across program areas + ACO)?

    • RP Forum Chair: RP Forum is looking for a chair, nominations have been short in coming. Request for some of us to consider this role, but appear to have a COI that strikes us out:

      • RP Forum Chair duties:

        • Term: Remainder of the calendar year; 

          • by then, there should be bylaws that specify a regular election period as well as roles and responsibilities.

        • Convene and run the biweekly meetings (including drumming up topics and presenters)

        • Oversee the creation of bylaws

        • Represent the RP Forum on the ACCESS External Advisory Board.

        • Oversee annual elections


        As a reminder, these were the recommendations from the RP Forum Charter committee: If the RP Forum accepts the provisional charter, we also suggest the following to appoint a RP Forum Chair

        • The SP Forum elects the Chair.  It may opt to define additional roles to be elected in the future (e.g. vice-Chair, etc.).

        • To avoid potential conflicts of interest, the SP Forum Chair should not be an individual who is an ACCESS Program awardee PI/Co-PI or lead any area of effort of an ACCESS program project.

        • In order to select an initial Chair, we recommend a simple majority of the voting members of the Forum with membership as defined in the provisional Charter. 

  • Project Office & Tools Update @Ron Payne

    • PEP v1.2 approved by Tom G and added to ACO wiki and Google folder.

    • ACO Supplement for In-Person Program Meetings has been formally submitted to NSF.

    • NSF Review wiki page setup and draft presentation slide deck created.

    • Performance Management Plan to be sent to John for final review by Friday, 7 April

    • Options for redistributing PY1 underspend funds being collected. Will be brought to this group for discussion, potentially next week.

    • June in-person logistical planning underway. Will be collecting agenda topics from Program in early-May.

Misc Topics

Reference - ACO Action Tracker

Next Meeting: 12 April 2023


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