2023-05-10 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary
Present: Jay Alameda, Cynthia Dillon, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Lizanne DeStefano, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Lisa Kaczmarczyk
Debrief on EC meeting @John Towns
Review Action Items @John Towns
Boulder in-person meeting agenda discussion @Shawn Strande
Have a draft agenda to share with the team for feedback.
EAB Updates @Shawn Strande
Discuss providing partial support for EAB to attend PEARC
Evaluation Update @Lizanne DeStefano (Unlicensed)
Communications Update@Dina Meek
Have we discussed who is managing travel arrangements, registrations, etc.?
Do we need any specific communications around the June meeting?
Probably best to create an email list for attendees and send through Constant Contact
I’d need those email addresses though
Acceptable Use Policy
Code of Conduct and Privacy are on the ACO site, but AUP is on IAM’s domain
Do we want to move that once it’s updated?
Community Engagement Update@Jay Alameda
Off-week for Community Building and Engagement
Went in with Support BoF for PEARC23, with additional community building and engagement components. Note that Allocations is joining the Support BoF as well. Submitted today, 10 May 2023.
Looking forward to feedback from participants in the MS-CC annual meeting
Noted a couple of potentially significant DEI leads
National Academy workshop “Beyond Broadening Participation: Research to Progress” - workshop around release of report Advancing Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEMM Organizations
Chronicle of Higher Education: Higher Ed’s DEI Lip Service
Want to go through these to pull out potentially DEI strategies for our program.
Project Office Updates @Lavanya Podila
ACCESS Program Wide Meeting
Wiki page June 2023 ACCESS Quarterly Meeting
All requested agenda topics can be seen HERE.
Hotel reservations available for extended stay beyond the Program Wide Meeting
Catering and transportation finalized with CU Boulder
Charlotte (NCSA) to confirm with the organizers at PEARC if we need to complete any registrations since we get 5 complimentary registrations with the Gold Tier.
See above EAB topic. Can we use comp. reg. for EAB members?
Registration OPEN https://mailchi.mp/pearc/pearc23-fullpapersdue-15813413?e=406cc926a6
Hotel Block available Hotels - PEARC23 - Computing for the Common Good Hotels
Misc Topics
Reference - ACO Action Tracker
Next Meeting: 17th May 2023