2023-08-16 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary
Present: Jay Alameda, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Shannon Bradley
Introduction of Kim Bruch
Debrief on EC Meeting @John Towns
Shannon, Lavanya and Shawn meet to get all Standing Committees up and Chartered
Review Action Items @John Towns
EAB meeting - during Virtual Meeting in Sept - last two hours of second day? - this should be part of agenda in next week’s EC and ACO meeting and get this decided - (see task below)
Gathering information on IRB - what can we gather into a document for the team?
Program-wide goals
John will review feedback from his email of 8/3
Don’t want to load teams with collecting too much additional data
How can we use what we already have?
CPO comment feedback - Cognizant Program Officer
John will review and suggest some items for next week’s meeting
What are “Cognizant Program Officer Comments” and where can you find them at Research.gov?
Community engagement discussion
Review discussions from past 3 weeks to provide summary info to Jay
How should Center know who is going where and speaking to whom
Do we have a packet we can give to people who go to seminars and conferences so everyone presents consistent overall information
Community Engagement document - still needs finalizing plan - we need to prioritize this
we need to set a time when this should be finished
Connection between community engagement and communication
different from events, conferences, etc.
ACO retreat
ACO retreat Aug 30 - 9am to 3pm - proposed
need to work on the agenda
Shannon and Lavanya - gather items and have them ready for next week to decide on agenda items
Devote a chunk of time to having discussion related to goal development, outcomes and planning
Less talking and more outcomes from the meeting
do we need to slate time to work together on priority items during the retreat?
NSF panel follow-up
Collated: https://access-ci.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ACP/pages/295665676
needs reviewed
how to track items
Working group formalization process
EAB Updates @Shawn Strande
Evaluation Update @Shawn Strande
Communications Update@Dina Meek
Community Engagement Update@Jay Alameda
Project Office @Lavanya Podila
Misc. Topics
DEI WG: team input
Follow up from previous meetings:
Someone needs to collate Google doc
Shannon will and put it in WIKI
Meeting has been set up
Still to do
Done: This went over well
Shawn is going to summarize discussion and pull out action items
Reference - ACO Action Tracker
Next Meeting: 23rd August 2023
To Do