2023-08-21 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary

2023-08-21 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary


  • Present: John Towns, Dina Meek, Tom Gulbransen, Lavanya Podila, Jay Alameda, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, Sharon Geva, Shannon Bradley, Kim Mann Bruch


  1. Updates from NSF (5 minutes)

    1. Tom -

      1. PEP - and metrics contained within it

        1. Section 4.4 - support for NSF and its oversight role

          1. review wording in document

          2. last part of the document - suggest rewording

            1. make a framework that helps people share

            2. enforcement - ACCESS not responsible for making sure people do their responsibility

            3. ACO helps EC consider the issue and have EC suggest ways to make it better

            4. that way ACO stays with helping role

            5. say “in collaboration with the EC”

        2. 5.1 - comms and outreach - 5.2 - community building and engagement

          1. outreach - considered more reach out and talk to

          2. is this more aligned with engagement?

          3. This outreach needs better defined or moved?

          4. These are the names listed in the solicitation - so we have held to what has been given to us

            1. this is a cooperative agreement - so we can change at this point

          5. 5.2 - we are not doing the building yet - should we highlight and focus on what we are wanting to build

            1. how do we know it worked?

            2. how do we know people are satisfied with what we built?

            3. make sure we have it defined

        3. 5.3 - evaluation section

          1. shared use of findings across all teams

            1. this sentence could be improved

          2. Shared methods - is this what is intended?

          3. More about the methods than the findings

          4. what is demonstrable - and what was evaluated

            1. beyond looking at the ACO

          5. Target changes to be completed in a couple months

          6. KPI - be sure to include qualitative as well

          7. Possibly include in retreat discussion

        4. Wording still says evaluation matrix tool

          1. either strike or share it

          2. Shawn got a link - and it does exist

      2. Quarterly project report - want to make sure it is settled

        1. open to hear about timing

        2. how to address redundancies

        3. Possibly include in retreat discussion

    2. Katie and everyone - talking about metrics being important

    3. Will move fast once it is organized - possibly next year

  2. What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 minutes)

  3. Area updates (10+ minutes)

    1. ACO

    2. Evaluation;

    3. Communications; Dina

      1. Web

        1. WG - doing a sprint to help better direct newcomers to understand ACCESS and how to get started

        2. Science stories - Kim jumping right in with her first stories

      2. Newsletters

        1. Survey building underway; hoping to launch in Sept.

      3. Events

        1. PEARC - we have a list of opt-ins that we’ll be adding to our ACCESS Advance mailing lists

        2. SC - heavily engaged with creating content for our booth (videos, print materials, swag)

      4. Strategy - will restart Comms and CBE meetings with Jay and Kim

      5. We were in HPC Wire - and mentioned in NY Times

        1. https://www.hpcwire.com/off-the-wire/access-initiative-paves-the-way-for-equitable-access-to-hpc-resources-for-smaller-research-teams/

        2. The Desperate Hunt for the A.I. Boom’s Most Indispensable Prize (Published 2023)

    4. Community Engagement; Jay

      1. reworking Community Building and Engagement plan based on input received, will be working this with the CB&E group tomorrow

      2. Incoming request for information - NOAA workshop focused on AI

        1. will be presenting to the EC

      3. CSSI at NCSA - John asked him to think about what he would want from ACCESS to engage him

        1. hoping for feedback next week

        2. Add to retreat discussion

    5. Project Office;

      1. response to program officer discussions

      2. program wide goals- first draft almost complete - work on metrics next

    6. EAB

      1. Pulsed the EAB on having a Chair/Co-Chair. Consensus is it would be a good idea, though a couple members expressed concern about excess administrative work.

      2. In person meeting in December - needs solidified

Tom -

Personas - what is this and how is it used?

  • Topic about communications and web presence that need unification because discussions being heard seem to lead to think there are differing definitions

  • Dina has estimate from Web Development group on helping with guiding thru process of defining and publishing

    • She needs to know who is taking point on this

Next Meeting: 28th August 2023


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