2024-June Quarterly Meeting Notes and To Do Items - Vision for the Access Catalog

Description: ACCESS has many types of "Resources" (e.g. CPU, GPU, Storage, Training, OnDemand, Software...) and they're the main item of interest for our personas. This session would present mockups and design ideas for how ACCESS could centrally advertise the diverse resources available. 

Slides: Resource Catalog / Mock ups: Resource Catalog


Matt Yoder (Allocations)


  • Have connections been made regarding: Joe W. - All good stuff. The API for things like “wait times” exists already. If you’re ready to move quickly. Share with Matt and Rebecca. If there’s stuff that they can’t achieve already, they can add this.

  • Has this been discussed: JP - technical question. As the types of information we want to display about resources expands, there could be many catalogs where the information comes from. Different teams/RPs may have different catalogs (or user guides). If we rely on ~half a dozen catalogs having APIs running, we might encounter some issues. How can we solve this technical challenge?

  • Have these been captured?

    • Matt  - what other information might we want to include about “resource details” are there other pieces of information that might be useful to pull in here? 

      • Andrew - trainings associated with the trainings

      • John T. - status of the resource information - having technical details is great, but telling me “what’s going on right now?” to help me check things out - maybe the system isn’t too busy and the wait times are low. Current status of the system would be great. 

      • Dave H. - infrastructure news/outages

      • Chris M. - information about how long a resource is expected to be online. If there’s a predecessor or a follow-on that might be interesting to show the legacy. 

      • Dave H. - Science/user stories from the resource

      • JP - resource badges 

      • Dave H. - KPIs for individual RPs? 

      • Shawn - Some notion of “This resource might be good for you if do x”... (e.g. recommended use) 

      • Tom M. - perhaps a time limit for a comment? (if we allow researcher comments/stories)

        • There are things like filesystem problems that happen on occasion. It’s not fair to criticize it long-term

      • Megan Johnson - We're planning on developing a quote bank for positive comments from researchers about ACCESS resources - perhaps that's something you could use instead of reviews. It's curated, and one of the things we're trying to capture is how much faster research is completed with ACCESS resources.

        • these quotes come directly from the science stories we publish on the site, so the quote could be linked to those.

      • Dave H. - “users also tried these resources….”

      • Dave H. - “get support/help on this resource”

        • Matt notes that we might want to keep that behind the scenes after they get a project

  • Is this recorded? Shawn - give the RPs a way to “define their presence in the catalog”

    • Internships coming up; job postings; expanding opportunities that go just beyond a resource

    • Featuring the institutions - sometimes people don’t know they have resources on the campus they at

  • Tony - The resource advisor - when it does come back with its recommendation to the users, they have links that then point them to additional information about those recommendations - which includes allocations webpage sections. 

  • Jim G. - having something along the lines of “tips and tricks” and “best advice” or quick links that give people high-level stuff would be nice. Thinking of Campus Champions, they may start at high level before diving into “how much memory do you need?” - maybe emphasize the key features

  • Cindy  - Something you can say is perhaps where campus champions reside and have allocations on the system.