2023-08-28 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary

2023-08-28 NSF - OpenCI Meeting Agenda & Summary



  • John Towns

  • Dina Meek

  • Tom Gulbransen

  • Lavanya Podila

  • Jay Alameda

  • Shawn Strande (Absent)

  • Cindy Wong

  • Sharon Geva

  • Kim Mann Bruch (absent)

  • Shannon Bradley


  1. Updates from NSF (5 minutes)

    1. Personas WG discussion

      1. how do you use tools to broaden participation

      2. root issue is - Website is hard to figure out - need straighter paths to get there

      3. How ever we divide it - making consistent nomenclature will make navigating easier

  2. What have we heard from stakeholders? (5 minutes)

  3. Area updates (10+ minutes)

    1. ACO

      1. Responses to COP observations from review: Nearly completed. Awaiting final approval of text. Expect to submit this week.

      2. Program-wide goals: Good progress here. Language has nearly settled, but there is a bit more discussion to get to a set of working goals. Next up will be establishing associated metrics.

    2. Evaluation;

      1. Draft charter in for review

      2. Should come to NSF next week

    3. Communications:

      1. HPCWire Reader’s Choice Awards - four stories featured on our website have been submitted

      2. Social Media - Kim shared our LinkedIn address on her profile and we got dozens of new followers! Can everyone please try to do that?

        1. Our address: https://www.linkedin.com/company/accessforci/

      3. Contact Form issue corrected

        1. Issue with campus forwarding and interactions with mailing lists - use case campus had never encountered

        2. Happening over the course of the last year

        3. We have removed this form and all contacts will come in thru the ticketing system

    4. Community Engagement;

      1. Worked through revised plan - it is in edits

      2. should go to EC soon

      3. Service provider forum - should this be a thing?

    5. Project Office;

      1. Prep for ACO Retreat and Sept Virtual Quarterly meeting

        1. identify how other’s inputs will impact mid-year review

      2. Prep for SC 23 - working with communications team

      3. Reviewing Financial reports

    6. EAB

      1. Working voting Chair and Co-Chair

      2. Working on dates for meetings

Next Meeting: 4th September 2023


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