2024-02-21 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary

2024-02-21 OpenCI Leadership Meeting Agenda & Summary


Present: Jay Alameda, Shawn Strande, Cindy Wong, John Towns, Dina Meek, Lavanya Podila, Kim Bruch, Shannon Bradley, Lisa Kaczmarczyk

Dina at MarComm Retreat

Decisions made during the meeting:

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  1. EC Meeting Debrief

    1. Update from NSF, Katie Antypas on changes to Tom G and Sharon’s roles

    2. Review notes

      1. RP Forum - and how to engage/communicate with them and what is best way to enable that

  2. Review Action Items

    1. ACO Action Tracker

  3. Quarterly Meeting

    1. Dina

      1. Putting finishing touches this week on:

        • EAB Communications session

          • Assuming Shawn shared the Comms Plan and questions with EAB

        • Comms Inside ACCESS newsletter session

      2. Printing nametags for Lavanya

    2. Every PI/Panel will all be presenting the same slides - built around the program wide goals and what the panel contributes to it

    3. EAB

      1. name badges and table tents are ready

      2. working on how to do 1 on 1s - separate zoom coordinates? So people can come and go?

        1. probably individual zoom sessions

      3. need to create a notes document

      4. Lavanya is bringing loaner laptops for breakouts

      5. Dinner for Monday EAB meeting attendees

  4. Updates

    1. @Shawn Strande

      1. Evaluation Working Group - Surveys for staff and RP forum have gone out - community survey will go out once EC has reviewed it

    2. @Cindy Wong

      1. Researcher Advisory Committee - will follow up with Laura to see what she wants to do next

    3. @Dina Meek -

      1. Comms Standing Committee: Need Charter approved after Deems updated per EC recommendation

      2. Web Standing Committee

        1. PY2 Plan shared with EC for awareness

        2. Need Charter approved

    4. @Kimberly Mann Bruch

      1. completed DEI survey has not completed staff survey - should probably make a list of surveys to help people make sure they have completed all of them - resolve confusion

      2. working on stories about group that studied arctic ice, and another to study why African American mothers have issues with pre-ecclampsia

    5. @Jay Alameda - no update

    6. @Shannon Bradley

      1. New ACO Easy Access Page Created: ACO Easy Access Page

    7. @Lavanya Podila

      1. Quarterly Meeting in Chicago

        1. Meeting invites updated

        2. RTP’s submitted for ACO’s portion of the DEI workshop

        3. Meeting minutes pages and shared drives created

        4. WIki page updated with all the quarterly meeting information

        5. Catering headcount submitted

        6. Request submitted for name tags and badges

        7. Request submitted for loaner computer

        8. Checked on DEI leader’s dietary restrictions

        9. Do we still need to send out guidance for speakers? yes

        10. Will there be an ACO retreat after the Quarterly Meeting? yes - for those who can make it - ~2 hrs

      2. Annual Review - common slides in the presentation - still working on how the process will work - every team will have them and every panel will see the slides

      3. Changes to the PEP due to changes in the CB&E - we will need those changes to update documentation and template for the Annual Report

        1. Since this is a change in scope - we will be submitting a PCR (Project Change Request)

        2. We don’t know process for who needs copies yet



Next Meeting: 6th March 2024

ACO To Do Items:

@Shawn Strande - will send out guidance for speakers handout and remind speakers to get presentations out on shared drive - Feb 23, 2024
@Cindy Wong - create notes document for EAB part of Quarterly Meeting - Feb 27, 2024
@Cindy Wong - Researcher Advisory Committee - will follow up with Laura to see what she wants to do next Apr 8, 2024
@Shawn Strande or @John Towns - clarify to staff what surveys are from who so people don’t think that if they have filled out one they have completed them all - Feb 26, 2024
@John Towns - get changes in PEP due to changes in the CB&E to Lavanya and Shannon so documentation can be updated - Mar 1, 2024
@Lavanya Podila - make agenda for the Retreat after the Quarterly Meeting - add changes to PEP and layout of IPR and Annual Review slides - Feb 28, 2024


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