2022-8-11 Meeting notes


Aug 5, 2022


  • @Dina Meek


  • Top questions for visitors to access-ci.org seeking information about your service area/track

  • consider what emails you want to use for the contact form or if it should go into the ticket queue.

 Discussion topics







On search - will launch with basic Google Search functionality. The team will upgrade is a later phase.

Dina Meek

  • Track 2/Support has a functionality that can crawl all the sites
    - currently ACO site will be one
    - Support has a search that will crawl all sites

On Contact form, can they make multiple selections and how would that be handled (for ex. I need information about…Allocations and Operations)?

Dina Meek

  • See below - discussion about doing away with?

How do we want to handle news? Should the main site jump off to the various track sites for specific news items? Or should those news items be fed to the main site and, if so, what’s the mechanism?

Dina Meek

  • User news 

    • Will we have something like this on the portal?

    • Track 3 is building a function that will gather all ACCESS news streams via API; A news aggregator for XSEDE and ACCESS infrastructure. This could work, but they weren’t building it for this purpose.


Allocations -
- pointing to getting started…need to rephrase “How do I get an allocation…?”

Support -
- What’s changed about support within ACCESS?

  • Where do I find the ACCESS Knoweldge Base?

Operations -

  • How does my gateway, compute, storage, cloud resource become part of the ACCESS ecosystem?Metrics -

  • What metrics can I view about my jobs?

  • Where can I view performance information about my jobs?

  • consider what emails you want to use for the contact form or if it should go into the ticket queue.


Waiting on Google Workspace to allow for creating alias lists (info@…); but also considering ticketing. Team is discussing doing away with the Contact Form. Send them directly to the Support site where they can search the knowledge base.

 Action items

Dina to share PDF of Jumpchart for the developers to answer questions about where to point people.

@Winona Snapp-Childs @John-Paul Navarro @Julie Ma @Tolbert, Nathan L @Greg Dean @Stephen Deems @Andrew Pasquale Go through Google doc Dina shared and add what you want your “question” on the access-ci.org landing page to be and provide a link to where that will go by 8/15 EOD
