2023-06-07 Meeting notes

2023-06-07 Meeting notes


Jun 7, 2023

 Participants - Roll Call

  • @John-Paul Navarro Nathan Tolbert @Dina Meek @Dinuka De Silva @Conner Saeli Christine Golus @Andrew Pasquale Emily Cedar @Greg Dean

Guest: Terry Fleury, CILogon














Style Guide





















Has been added to GitHub

  • Hoping now developers can do the work to get us all even closer to uniformity

Pose questions for Terry to help us understand how CILogon works

From last meeting:

  • Preference would be that when you click “Login” you would go directly to the CILogon page

Upon logout, where should people be directed? They should also get some type of message letting them know they’ve been logged out.

  • Team thought it would be best, for now, to go to a landing page that shows you’ve been logged out

Notes from meeting:

  • Each of our ACCESS sites are using a different ID

  • Each is assigned its own session

  • A single SSO cookie is making it work reasonably well to keep everyone logged in across sites

  • They don’t have a single logout instance. They don’t want to act as a redirector


Using CSS we can “brand” the CILogon landing page

GitHub - cilogon/access-identity: ACCESS Identity Management


Can we work to get to a uniform dropdown menu?

















JP/Dinuka will communicate via GitHub with the Identity team to ensure they have their header/footers matching the rest

JP and Matt will work together on getting the ID needed for ACO site login






















Review Decision Tracker

 Action items

@Dina Meek to determine what links are final - and share with Q - for footers: AUP, CoC, PP

@Dina Meek to make next meeting agenda a cross-reference of Decision Tracker document and GitHub documentation





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