2022-07-28 Meeting notes

2022-07-28 Meeting notes


Jul 28, 2022


  • @Dina Meek


  • Establish expectations for brand and web timeline

    • 8/1: ACO launches interim Coming Soon page as described above

    • 8/8: Splash page launched by ACO/agency dev set up for access-ci.org begins

    • 8/11 finalize universal nav design and all links (allocations.access-ci.org; support.access-ci.org; operations.access-ci.org; metrics.access-ci.org; myaccess.access-ci.org

      • (links underneath my access?)

        • we’re still waiting on the technical team to determine how the SSO would work

          • Identity and access management group

          • Should be you only see the drop down for the portals once you login in

          • in that case we should have added to the dropdown My Profile and Log Out

          • Check in with Jim Basney and Derek Simmel - Dina and Ron to check in with how this should look and where it is

    • 8/12 or 8/15 about, universal nav code delivered to subdomains

      • how to deliver this - Github repository (track 3 setting up for everyone for taxonomy)

        • help@xsede.org - I need access to the access github

        • need to create repository

    • 8/18 deliver .xd template file (brand assets) to subdomains

      • logos, colors, fonts ahead of time would be helpful

    • 9/1 launch only what is completed and approved (e.g. will news content be loaded and approved, will new sign up form be ready, will contact form be ready, etc.)

  • Confirm URL and subdomains (see above links)

 Discussion topics










Sneak peek at ACCESS logo


Organization dbase names


Do we need a vote? Per Slack vote - we will drop “Project” from the name and use the acronyms in a specific field allowing that. So general dbase name convention will be “ACCESS Operations”.




We want to try to get a better accessiblity score than XSEDE; Stephen shared score his team ran on XSEDE as a benchmark


Shared nav dropdowns


Team clarified we won’t be doing this for launch, but possibly later; we need a technical solution to achieve this across various sites on various platforms


Timing of universal nav code delivery


Team is afraid they won’t have enough time to implement the universal nav - with that look - so proposal is to use the words, but they’ll have to actually implement the look in September

 Action items

Dina to share wireframe with this team so they can start building the nav on their sites as close as possible to the final design
Dina to share accessibility report from XSEDE site with agency developing ACCESS site
Ron to get access info for Github to share with the agency for loading code



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