Feb 1, 2023
@Dina Meek @Ron Payne @Greg Dean @John-Paul Navarro @Tolbert, Nathan L Dinuka da Silva
Old Business
Style Guide - from the agency (they will join us in our 2/8 meeting to review)
Here is the client page we have set up for ACCESS –
We will post all new files here and included some 2022 history of the project.
Please note:
All subdomains should download the Google Tag Manager code and place in the header and footer of their websites. Once that is done we will have more information on how to view analytics across subdomains.
User Interface.
Refinements focusing especially on:
Universal navigation dropdown (Login or My ACCESS TBD for future)
Universal footer navigation (included privacy info)
Subdomain navigation and drop downs
Subdomain footer refinements
Page width, grid, logo placement, etc.
Mobile Menu.
Menu design with two menus at the subdomain level "ACCESS Menu” at top that reveals universal navigation and "Subdomain Menu” below logo that reveals subdomain global navigation.
New Business
Subgroup updates
Header & Footer - Nathan, Andrew, Greg, Ron/Dina, JP/Dinuka
Low hanging fruit was the focus
identified things in header/font/spacings/footer and deciding which track had the best look
each service area should try to get this done in the next week or so (early Feb)
Resource Provider Page - JP, Julie, Greg, Nathan, ACO - Ron/Q
Need to mockup what this would look like
The ACO agency, Qltd., will do this
Need to collaborate on getting language and descriptions
We’ll meet next week to touch base
Next steps:
Draft copy
ACO; bring back to group
Vet through RP forum
Bring to Q for design
What about (did not discuss)
Universal navigation, dropdown menu for “About”, includes file distribution to all
subdomains via GitHubDetermine if there should be dropdowns
Collaboration page
Add Events and Outages linking to specific sections of Support’s site
Action items
@John-Paul Navarro @Tolbert, Nathan L @Julie Ma @Andrew Pasquale @Greg Dean @Ron Payne Please review this link from Qltd. and prepare questions for the agency who will attend next week’s meeting to walk us through everything. Please remember to work through Dina/Ron in communicating with the agency so we can have one point of contact to avoid confusion.