2022-08-15 Meeting notes


Aug 15, 2022


  • @Dina Meek @Ron Payne @Julie Ma @Greg Dean @John-Paul Navarro @Joseph White


  • Contact Form

  • Search update

  • Questions for boxes linking to sites (by EOD 8/15)

  • News Feed

 Discussion topics










NSF logo guidelines


  • ACO main site is going to put logo in footer; will run by Tom

  • Other sites will try to follow suit

News/Training events


  • Julie asked if we had XSEDE data on the notifications; Dina and Ron said we don’t

  • Training - most on XSEDE’s portal; people subscribe to news feeds; it gets picked up by our newsletter editor and also Dina subscribed to general news to display on XSEDE homepage

    • MATCH could send out a notification that something new has posted so we can review to see what we might want to share on our news site; that will come from their calendar




  • Universal nav search will search all subdomains

  • Julie asked if our developers can speak to each other to ensure their own site search functions are meshing; Dina ask her to share contact info so she can send to ACO dev

  • Ron says we need a feature roadmap to line out what we want to develop for the future

  • Each track needs to get that info into Jira (ACO takes the lead as coordinator)

    • Ron can pull out a consolidated report for EC

    • We can also share this info w/site visitors

    • We need to determine where this will live in Jira

    • We’ll work on this after Sept. 1 launch




  • Looking to point community to a Slack space

  • Ron can set this up so that, with the URL, anyone can join

  • ACCESS Community Forum will be the name

 Action items

@Ron Payne setting up ACCESS Community Slack per above notes
@Julie Ma send Dina developer contact info so she can share with ACO site developer re: Search notes above


Team will develop a features roadmap so we can be on the same page with next phase site(s) upgrades after September 1