2022-11-30 Meeting notes


Nov 30, 2022


  • @Dina Meek @Greg Dean @Andrew Pasquale @John-Paul Navarro @Tolbert, Nathan L Conner Saeli Julie Ma


Old Business

SSO - CiLogon; reference implementation - Joe

 New Business







On Demand


Part of ACCESS Support, improves UIUX on desktop for users interfacing with RPs. We deploy it on RPs site; we’d like to be able to brand with some ACCESS elements but still allow RP to have autonomous identity. Somewhat like “Intel Inside” branding. Will have ACCESS designer and Support OnDemand people in next meeting to discuss.


Google Tag Manager

theme design


Style Guide update

  • Developers to review the Web Style Guide list by Friday 12/2 to make sure it’s complete







 Action items

@Dina Meek share in Comms Team meeting about Constant Contact emails using templates; share link about posting news/events with Hannah Remmert for Inside ACCESS newsletter.

@Dina Meek update the question box to point to RPs on Allocations site: https://allocations.access-ci.org/resources

@Dina Meek Add blurb to Contact Form on ACO site, guiding people to the ticketing system if they are users needing support.


Group decided About dropdown in universal nav will be in this order: Allocations, Support, Operations, Metrics, Coordination