2022-8-25 Meeting notes


Aug 25, 2022


  • @Dina Meek @Ron Payne @Julie Ma @John-Paul Navarro @Andrew Pasquale @Winona Snapp-Childs @Tolbert, Nathan L @Greg Dean


  • Determine dates for cross-site testing

  • Follow ups (below)

 Discussion topics









Cross-site testing

Dina Meek

  • ACO - 8/30 only

  • Allocations - Early next week

  • Support - Early Weds.

  • Operations - Early next week

  • Metrics - Early Weds.

  • Will share URLs in WG Slack channel


Ticketing for Web Updates

Dina Meek

@Winona Snapp-Childs will set up the queue in the ticketing system to handle website updates. Will notify: dinameek@illinois.edu; rpayne@illinois.edu (from 8/18 meeting)

It’s live! (tickets.xsede.org now, tickets.access-ci.org as of Sept. 1.


Incident Reporting

Julie Ma


Ticket in queue


  • Dina and Ron to check out at tickets.xsede.org (login with XSEDE portal credentials) Tues/Aug 23; Ron will resolve


Ticketing system


  • Want to be sure tickets are properly being triaged and assigned; Winona says yes

    • What will our replies be? We will address this after Sept. 1 (Winona)


Contact us


  • User Snap - appears on every page of the MATCH site. this can also push to ticketing system once triaged.

    • very easy to apply to individual sites

    • meant for feedback

      • Stephen will discuss with his team as to their use




  • What email should we use?

    • Ron is working with Google on setting up the ACCESS workspace to get mail lists/aliases assigned

    • Let Ron know if you have a mail list or alias you’d like to use

 Action items

@Dina Meek ask ACO status of Code of Conduct statement
@Dina Meek Confirm with group on Monday (8/29) that sites are ready for cross-track reviews and to get urls
@Ron Payne please add the decision below to the roadmap we’re building for upcoming web updates/releases
@Ron Payne please resolve ticket in queue


  • Group feels we should all use the same versions of the policies stated above; should be in universal footer.