2023-01-11 Meeting notes


Jan 11, 2023


  • @Ron Payne @Julie Ma @John-Paul Navarro @Gerald Byrket @Conner Saeli @Dina Meek @Greg Dean @Andrew Pasquale @Joseph White Dinuka de Silva

Old Business

Style Guide - Q (the agency) should begin work this week

How might we prioritize this list:

  • Page specifications (grid): width, margins, columns, logo placement/size, responsive break points

  • Typography standards: H tags, root font size, paragraph spacing, ordered/unordered lists (bullets), icon style, “helper” text, buttons, hover states, parallax

  • Additional: date format, timezone presentation, WCAG 2.0

  • Color standards: in addition to hex values include Pantone/CMYK

  • Components: accordions, form style, responsive tables, screenshot treatments

  • Level AA accessibility (link to standards)

  • Images - hero, other, background

How might we prioritize next steps:

  • Header & Footer - Nathan will lead

    • Andrew

    • Greg

    • ACO - Dina or Q

    • JP/Dinuka

    • Will bring proposal back to this larger group

  • Resource Provider Page -

    • JP will lead a group to address this

      • Julie

      • Greg

      • Nathan

      • ACO - Ron/Q

    • we could link from the universal nav to a subpage on the ACO site - much like the current “About” page - that give some general information and then provides links to other sites based on what the visitor is looking for

      • Allocations

      • user documentation

      • becoming a resource

      • metrics about resources

    • We could also include - via feed - the RP list from either Allocations or Operations page (both lists pull from the same d base but filtered differently - Allocations is looking into how to make that filtering something driven by the visitor so they can see the exact info they need; should be done in a matter of months)

    • Also some kind of tool helping visitors decide which resources is best for them

  • Refined responsive universal navigation header and footer (add “Resource Providers”
    and drop downs)

    • My ACCESS (or Logon) - Needs to be consistent across sites

      • Would this require a subpage with:

        • My ACCESS - your profile and account info

        • ACCESS OnDemand

    • About

      • Universal navigation, dropdown menu for “About”, includes file distribution to all
        subdomains via GitHub

      • Move to footer?

      • Determine if there should be dropdowns

      • Collaboration page

      • How to get Involved page

    • News

      • Add Events and Outages linking to specific sections of Support’s site

 Action items


