2022-08-04 Meeting notes


Aug 3, 2022


  • @Dina Meek @Andrew Pasquale @Julie Ma @Winona Snapp-Childs @Tolbert, Nathan L @Stephen Deems @Greg Dean


  • Present wireframes (pending delivery from design team); get feedback - particularly on home page design/image

    • Discuss Search

  • Splashpage progress

  • My ACCESS menu items

  • News

  • About

  • Contact

  • Link to register for an account

 Discussion topics










  • What are the top questions visitors to the ACCESS site would have? (note: this is an EARLY wireframe - only pay attention to the big blocks)

    • Where do I start? (links to Allocations page)

    • What do some of the terms mean i.e., Innovative Pilots, Service Models?

    • Primary stakeholder - research community

      • Grad students needing to figure out how to get started

      • What resources are available to me and how do I find that

      • Are you doing any science in my field (success stories)

      • How do I put in an allocation request?

      • Look at XSEDE homepage to determine some of top questions

      • What trainings are available?

        • Possibly training roadmaps

Dina Meek


  • Contact - For full-site launch - can we get the contact names/emails they’re building into their site and we’ll push there for now, until we get the more generic emails set up?

Ron Payne

Agreed. Each track needs to get dina the contact info. Can add right here. Add captcha so we don’t have trolls. Discussed using the same email address that will be used in the ticketing system (we should have confirmation on this Monday).


What are the links in the My ACCESS menu? Where do they link to? The individual tracks are developing their My ACCESS menues - want to try to keep the language consistent

Andrew Pasquale

Allocations, Jobs, Tickets, Publications, MATCH Engagements, Profile, Logout; Dina disagrees with the MATCH language, Stephen thinks it does make sense. Julie explained it is about their method, rather than the acronym; we could lowercase “Match”; May need to bring to EC. Is “Jobs” the right language (JP); Publications should be removed from initial list; Profile need to determine what the purpose of the Profile page would be…this link will go to track 1 edit your basic info…it will also link off to track 2 Engagement page…then need to get to other places via the edit my profile page; Logout…initially, it will just log you out of the indiv portals


What does the About menu item link to?

Andrew Pasquale

ACO website has an about page. Are there track specific about pages?


What does the News menu item link to? MATCH is planning to do a news page. Is anyone else planning news?


There will be a news page on ACO website that can incorporate news from the tracks. A newsletter service is available through constant contact. We may want to connect news announcements through API access to CC or perhaps Google Workspace in the future. Unclear if there will be track specific news pages or if all news will be posted on the ACO website only. Track 2 has been discussing an interface for people to be able to subscribe to announcements about specific RPs and other topics. Track 1 has considered having this as part of the allocation process but has no plans to do this for Sept. 1.


Is there a concept of a contact page and/or contact form?


ACO contact form, linked in footer. We discussed having this send emails into the ticket queue for each track, rather than an individual email.

 Action items

@Stephen Deems@Andrew Pasquale@Julie Ma@Greg Dean@Joseph White@Winona Snapp-Childs@Tolbert, Nathan L For our next meeting, please share your top two questions people looking for you on the main site might have so we can use those in the dialog boxes to point to your sites.
@Dina Meek@Ron Payne to suggest to ACO site dev to include a Captcha with the contact form so we avoid trolls/spammers
@Stephen Deems@Andrew Pasquale@Julie Ma@Greg Dean@Joseph White@Winona Snapp-Childs@Tolbert, Nathan L consider what emails you want to use for the contact form or if it should go into the ticket queue.